I did however, get a little bit done......
I managed a hexi for the hexi swap in our craft forum, and one of my 'things' this year (I won't call them resolutions), is to get back into some stitching. I've been working on a cross stitch for the past few months and I was beginning to forget what stitching was all about, so I bought myself a couple of kits to reacquaint myself.....
It seems it's a bit like riding a bike.......
I didn't pop on the blog for Merry Christmases and happy New Year's as I've been busy visiting this beautiful man......
My father in law (adoptive father!) is permanently in the hospital now until a position in a nursing home becomes available. He looks really good here on this day, but other days you would swear there was no light in that soul.....alzheimers really is cruel. I'm going to show him as much loving as I can while I can....he loves his hugs so while he remembers me, I'm there!
So my apologies in advance if my blogging is erratic.....I've made a vow with myself to be kind, not feel guilty and not apologise for absences as I know my blogging friends understand completely. A big 'MWAH' in advance.
We did have some wonderful news over Christmas that I shared on Facebook but maybe some of you haven't heard? My baby boy (they're always our babies aren't they?) got engaged on Christmas Eve.

WE only discovered about half way through this year that these two were great buddies when they were toddlers! Seems when I was doing family day care, I looked after her for a short time and she and Nick got on really well then too!
Funny how life turns out isn't it?
We also celebrated Mum and dad (in-law)'s 60th Wedding anniversary.....until now, they'd never spent a night apart (other than short hospital visits). So rare to find such love.....you can see it can't you?
I'm off to visit these special people......in the meantime, I leave you with these thoughts for 2018.....
xox Sugary hugs :o)
Good to see you into the sewing....all the best to your FIL....and Congratulations to Nick
Congratulations on such happy news Wendy! Your new duo are very cute! Beautiful stitchery and stitching! We sometimes must just concentrate on what's most important in our lives. Hugs xx
Sending my love Wendy
Hard on all the family with your FIL in hospital ^0 years is a wonderful achievment
Lets hope Nick has the same luck in his future
Beautiful stitching So pleased you are getting back into it xoxo
Spend all the time you can with your darling FIL....
How cute are your new fur babies Mocha and Milo...
Lovely project you are stitching..
Congratulations to Nick and fiancee. Both photos of the couple are great.
Take as much time as you need. Spend all the time you can together. Do what is right for you...hugs...
There's no need to apologize! Real life and family comes first - every time!
Congratulations to your baby and your parents in law! And congratulations on your new family members! They look very cute!
Greetings from Germany
Lovely post Wendy, I always enjoy reading your blog. Alzheimers is just cruel and 'a shitty' disease, along with many other diseases.. Quite understandable if blogging takes a back seat for a while..
Just letting you know that I am now blogging from this address
https://happyforevermoore.blogspot.com.au/ and not my old one..
Hope this year is a good one for you..xx
Have a wonderful 2018.
Love your new babies.
Family always comes first.
Huge hugs!
Wonderful that you are spreading all that love and I'm sure it will come back to you. Hugs!
Congratulations ... lovely young couple 💑
Happy 2018 xx
Happy New year, Wendy. Any news from you is welcome anytime. I just want to eat up your in-laws. They both look so sweet. My GIRL is very special to me, too, so I know how you feel, although we don't have to deal with Alzheimer's. Make sure you care for yourself, too. And definitely spend as much time with them both as you can. There's no such thing as living too much.
Don't worry about us ... we understand how life can sometimes take precedence over our stitching & blogging. Please know that we are all thinking about you and hope peace comes to your family. Alzheimers is truly awful but keep your eye on the future ... your "baby" is engaged and you will be adding joy to your family.
The blogging community will always be here Wendy... you take care of what's most important to you at this time... we'll be here when you pop in
What a special person you are. I'm just starting to follow you and already like you. And your right most if not all of your blogging friends will understand. And your prayers will be with you and the sweet couple. Give
a congratulates for me too. I joining up with the FridayNight Sew-in as well.
See you them if not before.
Blessing to you and yours.
I got side tracked. Your needle work is really very nice, I still a novice but working on it. And your kitties are gorgeous. Names please.
Wie schön du gestickt hast ! Das gefällt mir sehr, ich kann leider nur Kreuzstich sticken.
Liebe Grüße
Beautiful handsewing and also a beautiful family. Congratulations to your baby boy and how great to have photos from when they were little. Also Congratulations to your adoptive parents on their 60 years together. :)
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