Friday 16 August 2024

August already? Let''s sign up for FNSI

 Yep it's time, and I'm late!  Had a very busy week with double shifts all week and tutoring afterwards every afternoon so a bit late to the party I'm afraid!  But I see a lot of you signed up in our Facebook Group which is great.   The advantage of signing up on the blog is, if you have a blog yourself, you can link people to your page so they can learn all about you and maybe create new friends and learn new things!  I'm a lover of blogs for this reason but I don't get much time to indulge myself in them at the has become soooo hectic! (I know you know what I mean!)

Anyhoo.....sign up below if you can, or in the Facebook group under the sign up post for this month and remember to add some photos there so we can encourage you along!

Catching up on winners from June and July....this time is just running away from me!   I managed to get it organised this morning and in June, we had 31 ladies join together which is awesome!  It's so wonderful to be able to spend some quality time together, even if it is virtually, sharing things we love.  

So I put it to the Wheel for a decision, and our lucky winner for June is: 

Congratulations Dianne!!!!   

In July we had 23 ladies....there was so much inspiration, from stitching to piecing, crocheting....I wish I was as talented as you lot......I can do some things but there's lots I just am NO good at, and I recognise that but love to watch your talents unfold before me each month.
The Wheel decided.....and  July's winner is:

Congratulations Marilyn!!!!

Both lovely ladies have won a $30 voucher from our wonderful sponsor Kitty Rose Cottage to spend on whatever their hearts desire!   Remembering that for the rest of this month there is a sale on 'to celebrate Dawns Birthday Month.  Make sure you send her some birthday love by popping over to the site and buying up whilst there's 30% off some of the fabric ranges and 25 % off kits and patterns, whilst stocks last!

From this month, we've had to change our prize for our winners. Due to the cost of living and expenses constantly rising, we won't be offering our $30 voucher from August as a prize. Instead, Kitty Rose has offered to continue sponsoring our monthly sew in with a prize but instead of the voucher, it will be a current pattern/s that will be posted to you to enjoy! It could be any from the range, whether it be a Kitty Rose pattern, a Gail Pan Pattern or something different, I'm sure you will love it! For overseas winners, your pattern will be in PDF format and whoever is a winner, the prize will be personalised just for you! I'm sure you will understand and can embrace the changes as the prize is still one worth vying for!!! A big thank you to Dawn at Kitty Rose Cottage for constantly and generously supporting us on our crafty journey together. xx

Now I need to get ready for work so I'll leave with sign ups below and sugary love and crafty hugs

See you later today!!

BIIIIIG sugary hugs xox :o)

Thursday 20 June 2024

June already? A May FNSI winner, some finishes and sign-ups for June FNSI

 Wow, chilly weather even here in the north of Queensland, also known as the Tropics, but boy, those 8 degree mornings are proving to be very crisp and "non-tropical"!   Despite that, our days are beautiful, with mid 20 degree temperatures and clear blue skies.....a favourite time of the year.  My job requires me to drive daily to Townsville, an hour trip each way and driving in this weather is just glorious!  

The sunsets and evening skies have been magnificent and as our sugar crushing season has just started, the beautiful smell of  caramelised sugar permeates the air. We really do live in the lucky country. 

I have managed to finish a couple of long term projects which brings joy to my heart (in more ways than'll see what I mean shortly!)  The only problem is, when I go looking for things, I find so many more that I'd forgotten list of UFOs and WIPs just keeps getting longer and longer!  You see, I'm a classic Gemini...... I'll focus on something and then something shiny and new will catch my eye and I'm off!   I have FOMO and I've struggled all my life to overcome it.  As I get older, I'm finding I need to reign myself in and focus, focus, FOCUS and I am getting better but boy.....I'm discovering so many projects that either need completing or starting.  A few of you know my list is well over the  *hmfffph* mark (muffled because I don't want to give anyone a medical episode!) and maybe that's why I haven't made a list....but I really do need to!  Can you relate?

Back to those finishes..... Sheryl and I went shopping a couple of years back when she first moved to North Queensland and we went to a quilt shop where we both bought a pattern - Jardin de Poche by Veroniques Quilt Designs.  I bought the kit to go with it and when I travelled to visit family, took it with me as it was a good hand applique and stitchery project.    Well, two years on, I've managed to finish the stitcheries, put it together, learnt to 'tie' quilt using hidden cross stitches (thank goodness for YouTube!) and bound favourite part, and now it sits proudly on our dining room table!  I love this one!

Another finish I treasure is one designed by my beautiful friend Joy Coey, who we tragically lost to cancer a few years ago.  I had started this pattern at a "Let's get Stitched" retreat quite a few years ago and Joy had taught me how to fussy cut. I was so very happy with that effort and proud of what I'd learnt as Joy was a fantastic teacher but when I got home from the retreat I'd left it at that, hidden in a box as I was too 'scared' to ruin it (have you done that?)  After I finished my Jardin de Poche, I was working on something else in my sewing room.  This box kept popping up like it was prodding me to finish it.  So I bit the bullet and once I started I just couldn't wait to finish.  It had techniques, elements and products I hadn't used before which made me a little apprehensive but Joy helped me through!   I found afterwards that I'd missed a couple of paper pieced elements in the design, but that's ok, it made it 'mine'!  I had my first attempt at bullion roses (again - thanks YouTube!) and despite thinking I'd never 'get it', I trudged on, knowing that things get better with practice.   They're definitely not perfect but I'm happy with my first attempts.  

It will be used constantly and loved and treasured because it has so many memories of our gawjus Joy stitched into it.  I know she was prodding me and guiding me all the way through the process and I'm so thankful for knowing and loving her!

Now, on to our FNSI draw for May....we were blessed with sharing the night with 35 fellow stitchers/quilters/crafters and I know I got my fill of inspiration, but there's always room for more!  If you'd like to welcome anyone to join with us, please feel free...the more the merrier...and don't forget to let them know that just by joining in and sharing their crafty progress , they go into the draw to win a $30 voucher to spend on ANYTHING their heart desires at Kitty Rose Cottage, courtesy of our wonderful sponsor Dawn Hay.  If they'd like to know more, direct them to the link at the top of the page where they can find out all about FNSI aka Friday Night Sew In.

Thirty-five names in the Wheel of Names and the person that was randomly drawn for the May prize is.............

                                    \o/ \o/ CONGRATULATIONS NATALIE!!!!! \o/ \o/

We can't wait to see what you choose from all that loveliness over at Kitty Rose Cottage for your prize.

Don't forget to sign up for this month's FNSI.  I've left it a little late as I've had problems with my computer......what should have taken an hour has taken all day!  Doesn't matter though, just sign up below OR over on the sign up post in our Facebook Group.  

I can't wait to stitch with you all tomorrow night!  I'm soooo looking forward to it!

Big sugary sweet hugs :o) xox

Wednesday 15 May 2024

May FNSI sign-ups and an April winner

 May!  M-A-Y....the 5th month of the year....out of 12.....nearly halfway!! Can you believe it?   I swear I was saying only yesterday that January was just around the corner and 2024 was going to be savoured!   I think it cheated and has put skates on....with jet propulsion!

Well I know if that's got you floored you'll find it hard to believe it's already FNSI time again! 

 Sign ups are below as usual, or in the Facebook group page HERE.  

If you're not a member yet, please pop over and sign up so you can see what everyone's up to in 'real' time.

Last month we had quite a few people join in.....     30, in fact!  It was a great group and there was lots of inspiration with oohs and aaahs heard all over Facebook!  We have a couple of new members....please welcome them as you browse through their pages.  Don't forget to go and check out my April sign-up blog post as it has the links to some bloggers who are not on wouldn't want to miss out on their beauties!  I can tell you, I'm inspired!

Well without further ado, The Wheel must do its job and pick the April winner of a $30 gift voucher at our wonderful sponsor...Kitty Rose Cottage

  I can tell you it will be hard to choose which items you're going to spend your voucher on!   There's so many beauties.   Pop on over ... the list of goodies never stops growing and changing! More Tilda loveliness than you can imagine.

Now for the draw.....


I hope you enjoy your prize Dzintra!! 

What will I be working on this Friday night?   I'm not sure yet!  

I've just finished my last blocks for my Farmer's Wife Sampler Quilt......101 blocks all traditionally pieced by hand....not sure if I'll do the sashing by hand.... still to decide colours!  maybe navy blue and red for the cornerstones, or maroon and pink?  not sure yet.  I think I'll have to dwell on that, unless you've got any suggestions???  Quilt blocks are mainly red, beige and blue French Generals with splashes of pink and cream. Their suggestion is brown sashing with muslin cornerstones and triangles but I have no brown in it whatsoever...other than the beige and that I think, is a little too light - maybe for cornerstones or setting triangles but not for sashing.  I think I'd need something 'bolder', don't you?  I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I'm off for a rest....lucky me got Covid as a Mothers' Day gift!  

It's the second time I've got it and this one hit with a vengeance!  I'm ok until I start doing something and then, whammy... it knocks me for a sixer. I haven't even felt like going in the sewing that's something!  
I'm through the worst of it I think, so hopefully I'll be back to work next week and back to civilisation. 

In the meantime, stay well and join us on Friday're always more than welcome, and you could win the monthly draw of a $30 gift voucher at Kitty Rose Cottage! *yaaay*

 Big sugary (virtually distant) hugs! xox :o)

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Ta-Da! Back online for our April FNSI and some winners

 I missed last month's post as it crept up on me yet again.  Could it be old age?   Becoming forgetful?  Being too busy?  or all of the above!?  Anyways, we're back in business!

I've been busy trying to do a bit of a tidy up of my craft room which becomes more disheartening as I get myself into such a muddle once I start as I don't know where I'm headed with it all!  I've joined a few Quilting organisation Facebook groups which have given me some inspiration (and a few jealous moments, drooling over some of their rooms!), so I'm going to attempt to tackle things slowly but surely this year.  It doesn't help my room is just a small bedroom and I have so much crammed in there.  I need to have a good think and plan something out that's going to work for me.

  Seriously though, I can see a bit of a destash coming up soon!

I have been busy catching up on my Farmer's Wife blocks.   I'm up to number 87 now so on the downhill run.  I've started with some French General fabrics and added a few more complementary reds, blues, and beiges to fill it out a bit.  I must say, looking back on the blocks I've done, I've surprised myself as I'd never done hand pieced blocks when I'd started and just fluffed along, trying different ways to make them.  I thought I'd have to redo some but they seem better than I recalled so I think I only have about 25 blocks to go before I start with the sashing and putting it all together.  I'm thinking I may use the machine for that.  It's getting to the exciting part, where I'll see it all come together...I can't wait!

Now let's catch up on our past few months of winners, shall we?    Firstly I'll begin by saying how much I enjoy your company every month and how you not only inspire me but the motivation is just so valuable to each and every one of us.  It never ceases to amaze me how online friendships are so wonderfully special because they start with a common interest that often turns into some of the best relationships you can wish for.

Okie dokie....let's revisit January's FNSI.  We had 25 lovely ladies join in with some beautiful work on show.  I popped all names into the Wheel and gave it a little spin...

February, we had 27 stitching sisters come together both virtually and face to face as we had the Tilda 25th Anniversary Tour in Brisbane that weekend.  It was so good to catch up and then many of our group were lucky enough to travel to the Melbourne leg of the tour and get together the following weekend.  I love our quilty get-togethers!  After giving the February Wheel a bit of a spin, out popped......

Our March FNSI was a bit of a rush job (my fault)_so we only had 22 friends to stitch along, which isn't a bad thing because it gives you a better chance to win our draw!!!  *wink*   So here's who's name spun up when the Wheel did its thing....

Congratulations to all our lovely ladies....I just know you'll choose something beautiful! 

So now we're all up to date with our draws, I promise to try to keep on track for the rest of the year!!  

Remember that our winners have all won a $30 voucher from our wonderful, amazing, extraordinarily generous friend and sponsor, Dawn Hay of Kitty Rose Cottage.  If you haven't had the chance to pop over and have a look in the shop lately, 

I recommend it...the latest Tilda range, "Creating Memories" is up for pre-order and IT IS DIVINE!  

Each month, Dawn sponsors our group and generously donates a $30 voucher to spend in -store .  She has the most beautiful heart and if you purchase anything from Kitty Rose Cottage, you're bound to find something special tucked in there to make your day.  She regularly pops an extra Tilda fat eighth in her Little Box of Creativity or some other special treat.  You will not be disappointed with the service you receive, I can 100% guarantee it.

So you have a chance to be in the draw for the $30 gift voucher this month, make sure you link in below OR head over to the Facebook group page and join in on this month's post.

If you're not a member of our Facebook group, ask to join when you're there or send me a message and I'll send you an invitation.  That's where you can follow what everyone's up to on the's so much fun!

I'm looking forward to getting another couple of Farmer's Wife blocks completed....what have you got planned for Friday night?  Looking forward to stitching along with you again!  

Happy hump day with big sugary hugs xox :o)

Thursday 15 February 2024

Februarys FNSI

Tomorrow is our FNSI so this is a quick post for sign ups.   I’m in Brisbane at the moment catching up with friends and family before the 25th Tilda Jubilee anniversary event on Saturday. 

I’m a little excited to hear from Tone Finnegan about her career and inspirations along with 599 others!  I quite like her last fabric line and the jubilee line too.  I’ve had fun with both of these and I dare say there’ll be a few more designs to purchase on the weekend! 

Needless to say I’ve left sign ups till the last minute as I’ve been a little pre-occupied! Lol.   

Sign ups are below, or on our Facebook group page…all are welcome and I look forward to stitching with you, wherever you are.   I’ll draw winners for last month and this month when I get back home!  
Don’t miss out. Big sweet stitchy hugs xox 
Wendy B :o)

Thursday 18 January 2024

Our January FNSI get together

 Hi All,

 and welcome to 2024 and our first FNSI for the year!

I apologise for not posting for a while.....Cyclone Jasper got me before Christmas.  He mucked up all the telecommunications up in the north and although he didn't impact us physically, he certainly made his presence known by limiting what we could access.  I thought it was a computer update but I found out later it was waterlogged communications.   I did have the post organised but couldn't annoying!

That does mean I have a few draws to catch up on!  So let's get into those before I progress!
So, each lady has won a $30 voucher to go towards their purchases at our wonderful sponsor Kitty Rose Cottage!   I say, go towards because there's so many beautiful things there, it is hard to limit yourself!!!!  That doesn't mean you can't just use the $30 but I bet you won't be able to resist!!!!
Our winner from our October FNSI was stitching along with 23 other ladies from around the world and we had a marvelous night.   The winner for October is:

In November, we had 27 ladies stitch along. We had a lovely time and I always find it very inspiring and gets me motivated to catch up on things I've started and put down "for a bit"!  Our November winner is:

December was as much fun, although with people preparing for holidays and Christmas and parties, our FNSI only had 17 people join.  Despite that, we still managed to get lots of Christmas gifts finished and our winner for December is: 

Congratulations to all three ladies.  I hope you've got your shopping lists ready and I'd love to see what you purchase with your voucher when it arrives.  Feel free to post a picture in our Facebook group so we can all ooh and aaah together!!!!  

  I must sincerely thank our sponsor, Dawn at Kitty Rose Cottage.  

She is, and always has been a huge supporter of our group and a very active member (although I can't add her to our prize wheel....that might be a bit weird!!!)  Thank you to everyone for joining in for 2023 and here's to a bigger and more exciting 2024 FNSI.   
Now for this month's FNSI sign ups. Remember it's open worldwide so don't be shy!  You know the sign up below OR on the Facebook group post for this month.  Can't wait to 'see' you this Friday night. Here's to a bigger and mightily inspirational year ahead for all of us. 

Big sweet sugary hugs xox :o)