Well, I found myself wondering the same thing when I visited The Handmaden's blog this evening. But a quick trip over to Retromummy's made that a very easy decision ......
you see, both these ladies have joined to have a giveaway on The Handmaden's blog......they are offering a $50 gift voucher to spend on anything (yes, anything!) you like in the Retro Mummy store.
I have a liking for this......
and these.....
and plenty of other goodies but I don't think $50 stretches THAT far!!!!!
So why don't you go and have a quick look....do some daydreaming and you never know.....you may be lucky and get to have a bit of a guiltless spend up before Christmas....just on you!!!!
Hurry though.....it's going to be drawn on Sunday 6th December (Aussie time!!)
Good luck!
Monday, 30 November 2009
What would YOU spend $50 on???
Well, I found myself wondering the same thing when I visited The Handmaden's blog this evening. But a quick trip over to Retromummy's made that a very easy decision ......
you see, both these ladies have joined to have a giveaway on The Handmaden's blog......they are offering a $50 gift voucher to spend on anything (yes, anything!) you like in the Retro Mummy store.
I have a liking for this......
and these.....
and plenty of other goodies but I don't think $50 stretches THAT far!!!!!
So why don't you go and have a quick look....do some daydreaming and you never know.....you may be lucky and get to have a bit of a guiltless spend up before Christmas....just on you!!!!
Hurry though.....it's going to be drawn on Sunday 6th December (Aussie time!!)
Good luck!
you see, both these ladies have joined to have a giveaway on The Handmaden's blog......they are offering a $50 gift voucher to spend on anything (yes, anything!) you like in the Retro Mummy store.
I have a liking for this......
and these.....
and plenty of other goodies but I don't think $50 stretches THAT far!!!!!
So why don't you go and have a quick look....do some daydreaming and you never know.....you may be lucky and get to have a bit of a guiltless spend up before Christmas....just on you!!!!
Hurry though.....it's going to be drawn on Sunday 6th December (Aussie time!!)
Good luck!
Sunday, 29 November 2009
Beep, Beep!!
Here she is:
This photo was taken just after her first bath......my almost 15-year old couldn't believe me having to wash her, after I only just picked her up on Thursday afternoon!!!!!.....Kids!!!! It'll be a different story when he has his licence, I'll bet!!!!!! I feel a little special driving around in her......maybe because she's so shiny and new.....wonder if it will be a different story when the payments start coming out!!????
And, what always happens after you wash your car????? You got it.......look what arrived shortly afterwards.......
So nice to have finished report cards (sounding like a broken record a bit, aren't I??) and I think I was missing my sewing, because I sure was cranky at the end of last week!!!! But, put needle and thread in my hand and a sewing machine within arm's reach, and I calmed down promptly!!!
And YES, I have finally finished the BATMAN QUILT.....Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Although I absolutely loved doing it....(it was an original design from start to finish....sort of a make-it-up-as-you-go-along one).....it did seem to take forever and seeing it was for a birthday gift on the tenth of November, I felt bad that it wasn't quite ready on time!!!! I think that made it seem like it took so much longer!
Front of quilt (depending on the new owner!!)
I decided to quilt Batman insignias in the yellow blocks in the main border and stitched in the ditch around the centre blocks.
It was so relaxing on the weekend, stitching the binding on in front of mindless tv!!!! Aaaaaahhhh....nice! All that's left now is the handover!!!!! I'm sure my teaching partner will be glad to finally get his gift (without me taking it back again!!!!)
We had our quilter's guild Christmas party on Saturday, and our swap was a Summertime Table runner. Now you know I've been rather preoccupied lately, so Friday night I sat stitching till 2am and then up again in the wee hours to complete the binding and label. Lucky I had a top pre-made that I could utilise for the task!!!!
My idea of summertime is lovely, clear, blue skies, beautiful flowers and lovely, rich sunsets (hence the orangy-red binding, which just happened to match the flowers perfectly!) I hoped my lucky recipient would be happy with their lot, and she was!!! The lucky lady said she loved any colour.....as long as it was blue!!!!!.....aaaaah, fate at its finest!!!!!
I received a lovely watermelon based runner made by my blogless friend Maureen....she apologised prolifically for it, but I think it's wonderful!!!!
Funny you know, my original plan was to make a watermelon based runner, as there's nothing that represents summer more than slurping watermelons and spitting watermelon seeds as far as you can!!!!!, but I just ran out of time (dang!) so....must've been a perfect match!!!! (I wonder if anyone has ever grown a watermelon in their belly from eating the seeds???? ) lol
And this morning was spent finishing my Christmas Ornie Swap organised by Robyn and Clare for my swap partner Jeanette. I received her ornament on Friday and absolutely love it, love it, love it!!! It's going up on the tree as soon as ...well, ..... it gets put up!!!! (cringe!! and there is only 26 days till Christmas!!!)
She made a lovely handmade/stitched card too.....a very versatile, talented young lady is Jeanette!!!! thank you my lovely new bloggy friend...I'll treasure them always!!!
I can't show you what I made for her yet as it's going in the post tomorrow, but as Jeanette's a Brissie girl, she should have it by the end of the week, after which, I'll let you have a look!!!!
I also received my very quick fabric swap organised by the lovely Jenny from my swap partner, Margaret on Friday too! She was worried that it would take a month of Sundays to get here as it was coming from Spain and it seemed to be travelling via donkey!!!! Well, needless to say, mine took longer to get to Spain than hers did getting to Oz, so I guess my donkey must've been travelling uphill!!!
I just adore the cute little buttons.....did you notice the little 'Santa's Helper Elf ' ???? Thanks Margaret, I love it all!!!
A big, sugary thank you to all our lovely organisers who help make blogging so much more fun than it already is!!!! Thank you ladies!!!!
Oh my goodness....look at the time....and I've so much more to share!!!!! Well this post's been a really long one, so I guess I'll keep you in suspense until next time...unless you've already navigated away from this page!!! (and my Blogger is playing up, big time....doesn't want to do anything but centre everything....it's not playing the game right!!!!!! Why does it always have a mind of it's own?????)
Sweet, sugary dreams
XX Wendy B :O)
Beep, Beep!!
Here she is:
This photo was taken just after her first bath......my almost 15-year old couldn't believe me having to wash her, after I only just picked her up on Thursday afternoon!!!!!.....Kids!!!! It'll be a different story when he has his licence, I'll bet!!!!!! I feel a little special driving around in her......maybe because she's so shiny and new.....wonder if it will be a different story when the payments start coming out!!????
And, what always happens after you wash your car????? You got it.......look what arrived shortly afterwards.......
So nice to have finished report cards (sounding like a broken record a bit, aren't I??) and I think I was missing my sewing, because I sure was cranky at the end of last week!!!! But, put needle and thread in my hand and a sewing machine within arm's reach, and I calmed down promptly!!!
And YES, I have finally finished the BATMAN QUILT.....Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!! Although I absolutely loved doing it....(it was an original design from start to finish....sort of a make-it-up-as-you-go-along one).....it did seem to take forever and seeing it was for a birthday gift on the tenth of November, I felt bad that it wasn't quite ready on time!!!! I think that made it seem like it took so much longer!
Front of quilt (depending on the new owner!!)
I decided to quilt Batman insignias in the yellow blocks in the main border and stitched in the ditch around the centre blocks.
It was so relaxing on the weekend, stitching the binding on in front of mindless tv!!!! Aaaaaahhhh....nice! All that's left now is the handover!!!!! I'm sure my teaching partner will be glad to finally get his gift (without me taking it back again!!!!)
We had our quilter's guild Christmas party on Saturday, and our swap was a Summertime Table runner. Now you know I've been rather preoccupied lately, so Friday night I sat stitching till 2am and then up again in the wee hours to complete the binding and label. Lucky I had a top pre-made that I could utilise for the task!!!!
My idea of summertime is lovely, clear, blue skies, beautiful flowers and lovely, rich sunsets (hence the orangy-red binding, which just happened to match the flowers perfectly!) I hoped my lucky recipient would be happy with their lot, and she was!!! The lucky lady said she loved any colour.....as long as it was blue!!!!!.....aaaaah, fate at its finest!!!!!
I received a lovely watermelon based runner made by my blogless friend Maureen....she apologised prolifically for it, but I think it's wonderful!!!!
Funny you know, my original plan was to make a watermelon based runner, as there's nothing that represents summer more than slurping watermelons and spitting watermelon seeds as far as you can!!!!!, but I just ran out of time (dang!) so....must've been a perfect match!!!! (I wonder if anyone has ever grown a watermelon in their belly from eating the seeds???? ) lol
And this morning was spent finishing my Christmas Ornie Swap organised by Robyn and Clare for my swap partner Jeanette. I received her ornament on Friday and absolutely love it, love it, love it!!! It's going up on the tree as soon as ...well, ..... it gets put up!!!! (cringe!! and there is only 26 days till Christmas!!!)
She made a lovely handmade/stitched card too.....a very versatile, talented young lady is Jeanette!!!! thank you my lovely new bloggy friend...I'll treasure them always!!!
I can't show you what I made for her yet as it's going in the post tomorrow, but as Jeanette's a Brissie girl, she should have it by the end of the week, after which, I'll let you have a look!!!!
I also received my very quick fabric swap organised by the lovely Jenny from my swap partner, Margaret on Friday too! She was worried that it would take a month of Sundays to get here as it was coming from Spain and it seemed to be travelling via donkey!!!! Well, needless to say, mine took longer to get to Spain than hers did getting to Oz, so I guess my donkey must've been travelling uphill!!!
I just adore the cute little buttons.....did you notice the little 'Santa's Helper Elf ' ???? Thanks Margaret, I love it all!!!
A big, sugary thank you to all our lovely organisers who help make blogging so much more fun than it already is!!!! Thank you ladies!!!!
Oh my goodness....look at the time....and I've so much more to share!!!!! Well this post's been a really long one, so I guess I'll keep you in suspense until next time...unless you've already navigated away from this page!!! (and my Blogger is playing up, big time....doesn't want to do anything but centre everything....it's not playing the game right!!!!!! Why does it always have a mind of it's own?????)
Sweet, sugary dreams
XX Wendy B :O)
Where am I????
whew.....what a week!... well report cards are finally finished (thank goodness!!) and the new baby is actually at home with me now. I'm catching up on all the blogs i've been missing these past couple of weeks and a quicky post as I go and finish my Christmas deco for the swap.
Will report back with piccies tonight of all the exciting things that have been going on here....I'm still in 'amore' with my new baby...gotta pinch myself....so I'm just going out for another spin!!!!!!....just once more...before I give her a bath and a gentle rub down!!!
sugary hugs 'o)
Will report back with piccies tonight of all the exciting things that have been going on here....I'm still in 'amore' with my new baby...gotta pinch myself....so I'm just going out for another spin!!!!!!....just once more...before I give her a bath and a gentle rub down!!!
sugary hugs 'o)
Where am I????
whew.....what a week!... well report cards are finally finished (thank goodness!!) and the new baby is actually at home with me now. I'm catching up on all the blogs i've been missing these past couple of weeks and a quicky post as I go and finish my Christmas deco for the swap.
Will report back with piccies tonight of all the exciting things that have been going on here....I'm still in 'amore' with my new baby...gotta pinch myself....so I'm just going out for another spin!!!!!!....just once more...before I give her a bath and a gentle rub down!!!
sugary hugs 'o)
Will report back with piccies tonight of all the exciting things that have been going on here....I'm still in 'amore' with my new baby...gotta pinch myself....so I'm just going out for another spin!!!!!!....just once more...before I give her a bath and a gentle rub down!!!
sugary hugs 'o)
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
Welcoming my new bundle of joy!!!!
Many months have passed since this little miracle was conceived and it seems like an eternity, but tomorrow, we will be welcoming this little bundle of joy into our family...........
Well, it's almost been like a pregnancy......I ordered my new car 18 weeks ago and they told me it would be built to order and as it had to come from Germany, we would have to wait!! After much anticipation, the dealer rang me up on Tuesday and told me it had finally arrived!!!! (No, I don't think the stork brought it!) lol
Just like childbirth though, I've counted the weeks, I've gone back through the 'baby' books and questioned whether we had done the right thing in ordering a new 'baby', I've gone through every detail, trying to remember what it felt like when I test-drove her (not that you can test-drive a bub, but.....), I've thought about what 'clothes' (accessories) I'm going to get her and how proud I am going to be when I first take her out in public!!!!
Thank goodness I'm not getting the car that has the baby wearing the nappy that explodes once it's buckled in and splatters every interior window!!!!!(.....according to the ad on tv!!!....stinky pinky....eeewwwwwwww.....that would be disappointing). My bubby's going to be just 'poifect'!!!!!
Mine is a little different to the photo though.....black's just not practical up here in North Queensland, and particularly living opposite a cane farm!!!!....mine is going to be Mountain Grey Metallic....has a soothing, cool, calm sort of name doesn't it????...and I won't be having the sunroof or leather seats....I don't think I have the right postcode for that!
So, think of me tomorrow as I'm driving down the highway with my new baby bundle of joy!!!!
On another note, I have to say a huge thank you to Judith from Calico Cottage. I recently won a quick little comp on her blog and two beautiful, glittery charms arrived in my post box, just the other day..... a beautiful rose (Judith knows me too well!!) and a heart with a rose engraved on it..........they were packaged so beautifully (and guess who forgot to take photos!!???? duh!!!)
I haven't got a project in mind just yet, but holidays are coming soon and I'll have plenty of time to play!!!!!
I know Judith's taken a break till Dec 12 but I hope these sincere thoughts of thanks find her.....I hope you're having a lovely break with loved ones , plenty of R & R and Rejuvination for a very creative 2010, Judith!!!! I can recommend a visit to Judith's online Calico Cottage ...if you're into Modern Country styles, then you'll love what Judith has to offer.
Now I think I'd better toodle off to bed.....however, with all the excitement, I think it will be a restless night!!!!! (thankfully no labour pains though!!!.....just pains in my bank balance!)
sweet, sugary dreams
XX WendyB 'o)
photo courtesy of Volkswagen (thanks veedub!!!)
Well, it's almost been like a pregnancy......I ordered my new car 18 weeks ago and they told me it would be built to order and as it had to come from Germany, we would have to wait!! After much anticipation, the dealer rang me up on Tuesday and told me it had finally arrived!!!! (No, I don't think the stork brought it!) lol
Just like childbirth though, I've counted the weeks, I've gone back through the 'baby' books and questioned whether we had done the right thing in ordering a new 'baby', I've gone through every detail, trying to remember what it felt like when I test-drove her (not that you can test-drive a bub, but.....), I've thought about what 'clothes' (accessories) I'm going to get her and how proud I am going to be when I first take her out in public!!!!
Thank goodness I'm not getting the car that has the baby wearing the nappy that explodes once it's buckled in and splatters every interior window!!!!!(.....according to the ad on tv!!!....stinky pinky....eeewwwwwwww.....that would be disappointing). My bubby's going to be just 'poifect'!!!!!
Mine is a little different to the photo though.....black's just not practical up here in North Queensland, and particularly living opposite a cane farm!!!!....mine is going to be Mountain Grey Metallic....has a soothing, cool, calm sort of name doesn't it????...and I won't be having the sunroof or leather seats....I don't think I have the right postcode for that!
So, think of me tomorrow as I'm driving down the highway with my new baby bundle of joy!!!!
On another note, I have to say a huge thank you to Judith from Calico Cottage. I recently won a quick little comp on her blog and two beautiful, glittery charms arrived in my post box, just the other day..... a beautiful rose (Judith knows me too well!!) and a heart with a rose engraved on it..........they were packaged so beautifully (and guess who forgot to take photos!!???? duh!!!)
I haven't got a project in mind just yet, but holidays are coming soon and I'll have plenty of time to play!!!!!
I know Judith's taken a break till Dec 12 but I hope these sincere thoughts of thanks find her.....I hope you're having a lovely break with loved ones , plenty of R & R and Rejuvination for a very creative 2010, Judith!!!! I can recommend a visit to Judith's online Calico Cottage ...if you're into Modern Country styles, then you'll love what Judith has to offer.
Now I think I'd better toodle off to bed.....however, with all the excitement, I think it will be a restless night!!!!! (thankfully no labour pains though!!!.....just pains in my bank balance!)
sweet, sugary dreams
XX WendyB 'o)
Welcoming my new bundle of joy!!!!
Many months have passed since this little miracle was conceived and it seems like an eternity, but tomorrow, we will be welcoming this little bundle of joy into our family...........
Well, it's almost been like a pregnancy......I ordered my new car 18 weeks ago and they told me it would be built to order and as it had to come from Germany, we would have to wait!! After much anticipation, the dealer rang me up on Tuesday and told me it had finally arrived!!!! (No, I don't think the stork brought it!) lol
Just like childbirth though, I've counted the weeks, I've gone back through the 'baby' books and questioned whether we had done the right thing in ordering a new 'baby', I've gone through every detail, trying to remember what it felt like when I test-drove her (not that you can test-drive a bub, but.....), I've thought about what 'clothes' (accessories) I'm going to get her and how proud I am going to be when I first take her out in public!!!!
Thank goodness I'm not getting the car that has the baby wearing the nappy that explodes once it's buckled in and splatters every interior window!!!!!(.....according to the ad on tv!!!....stinky pinky....eeewwwwwwww.....that would be disappointing). My bubby's going to be just 'poifect'!!!!!
Mine is a little different to the photo though.....black's just not practical up here in North Queensland, and particularly living opposite a cane farm!!!!....mine is going to be Mountain Grey Metallic....has a soothing, cool, calm sort of name doesn't it????...and I won't be having the sunroof or leather seats....I don't think I have the right postcode for that!
So, think of me tomorrow as I'm driving down the highway with my new baby bundle of joy!!!!
On another note, I have to say a huge thank you to Judith from Calico Cottage. I recently won a quick little comp on her blog and two beautiful, glittery charms arrived in my post box, just the other day..... a beautiful rose (Judith knows me too well!!) and a heart with a rose engraved on it..........they were packaged so beautifully (and guess who forgot to take photos!!???? duh!!!)
I haven't got a project in mind just yet, but holidays are coming soon and I'll have plenty of time to play!!!!!
I know Judith's taken a break till Dec 12 but I hope these sincere thoughts of thanks find her.....I hope you're having a lovely break with loved ones , plenty of R & R and Rejuvination for a very creative 2010, Judith!!!! I can recommend a visit to Judith's online Calico Cottage ...if you're into Modern Country styles, then you'll love what Judith has to offer.
Now I think I'd better toodle off to bed.....however, with all the excitement, I think it will be a restless night!!!!! (thankfully no labour pains though!!!.....just pains in my bank balance!)
sweet, sugary dreams
XX WendyB 'o)
photo courtesy of Volkswagen (thanks veedub!!!)
Well, it's almost been like a pregnancy......I ordered my new car 18 weeks ago and they told me it would be built to order and as it had to come from Germany, we would have to wait!! After much anticipation, the dealer rang me up on Tuesday and told me it had finally arrived!!!! (No, I don't think the stork brought it!) lol
Just like childbirth though, I've counted the weeks, I've gone back through the 'baby' books and questioned whether we had done the right thing in ordering a new 'baby', I've gone through every detail, trying to remember what it felt like when I test-drove her (not that you can test-drive a bub, but.....), I've thought about what 'clothes' (accessories) I'm going to get her and how proud I am going to be when I first take her out in public!!!!
Thank goodness I'm not getting the car that has the baby wearing the nappy that explodes once it's buckled in and splatters every interior window!!!!!(.....according to the ad on tv!!!....stinky pinky....eeewwwwwwww.....that would be disappointing). My bubby's going to be just 'poifect'!!!!!
Mine is a little different to the photo though.....black's just not practical up here in North Queensland, and particularly living opposite a cane farm!!!!....mine is going to be Mountain Grey Metallic....has a soothing, cool, calm sort of name doesn't it????...and I won't be having the sunroof or leather seats....I don't think I have the right postcode for that!
So, think of me tomorrow as I'm driving down the highway with my new baby bundle of joy!!!!
On another note, I have to say a huge thank you to Judith from Calico Cottage. I recently won a quick little comp on her blog and two beautiful, glittery charms arrived in my post box, just the other day..... a beautiful rose (Judith knows me too well!!) and a heart with a rose engraved on it..........they were packaged so beautifully (and guess who forgot to take photos!!???? duh!!!)
I haven't got a project in mind just yet, but holidays are coming soon and I'll have plenty of time to play!!!!!
I know Judith's taken a break till Dec 12 but I hope these sincere thoughts of thanks find her.....I hope you're having a lovely break with loved ones , plenty of R & R and Rejuvination for a very creative 2010, Judith!!!! I can recommend a visit to Judith's online Calico Cottage ...if you're into Modern Country styles, then you'll love what Judith has to offer.
Now I think I'd better toodle off to bed.....however, with all the excitement, I think it will be a restless night!!!!! (thankfully no labour pains though!!!.....just pains in my bank balance!)
sweet, sugary dreams
XX WendyB 'o)
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Small blessings
OMGoodness!!! How does time fly at this time of year....I seem to have my finger stuck in too many pies and I can't get to any of them!!!
I was going to post a blog last night but some power lines fell a couple of streets down and we were without power from about 8pm last night till midnight....I was just up to squaring up the Batman quilt too, ready for binding, then I was going to post, then start on my ornament giveaway, then do some report cards for work.....ooooooooooo, bugger!!
Oh well, on the brighter side, I got my bacon and cheese muffins cooked for our breakfast meeting at work this morning and I did get a chance to read the next couple of chapters in the Elm Creek Quilts book I'm reading......by torchlight!!!
Sorry, no piccies today...running late for the meeting.
Chat soon
XX Sugary hugs
I was going to post a blog last night but some power lines fell a couple of streets down and we were without power from about 8pm last night till midnight....I was just up to squaring up the Batman quilt too, ready for binding, then I was going to post, then start on my ornament giveaway, then do some report cards for work.....ooooooooooo, bugger!!
Oh well, on the brighter side, I got my bacon and cheese muffins cooked for our breakfast meeting at work this morning and I did get a chance to read the next couple of chapters in the Elm Creek Quilts book I'm reading......by torchlight!!!
Sorry, no piccies today...running late for the meeting.
Chat soon
XX Sugary hugs
Small blessings
OMGoodness!!! How does time fly at this time of year....I seem to have my finger stuck in too many pies and I can't get to any of them!!!
I was going to post a blog last night but some power lines fell a couple of streets down and we were without power from about 8pm last night till midnight....I was just up to squaring up the Batman quilt too, ready for binding, then I was going to post, then start on my ornament giveaway, then do some report cards for work.....ooooooooooo, bugger!!
Oh well, on the brighter side, I got my bacon and cheese muffins cooked for our breakfast meeting at work this morning and I did get a chance to read the next couple of chapters in the Elm Creek Quilts book I'm reading......by torchlight!!!
Sorry, no piccies today...running late for the meeting.
Chat soon
XX Sugary hugs
I was going to post a blog last night but some power lines fell a couple of streets down and we were without power from about 8pm last night till midnight....I was just up to squaring up the Batman quilt too, ready for binding, then I was going to post, then start on my ornament giveaway, then do some report cards for work.....ooooooooooo, bugger!!
Oh well, on the brighter side, I got my bacon and cheese muffins cooked for our breakfast meeting at work this morning and I did get a chance to read the next couple of chapters in the Elm Creek Quilts book I'm reading......by torchlight!!!
Sorry, no piccies today...running late for the meeting.
Chat soon
XX Sugary hugs
Wednesday, 11 November 2009
A sweet treat...in more ways than one!
Just a quick post.....made this yummy cheesecake for the birthday boy yesterday to take to work and it was such a success I thought I'd share it with you.....
so easy and sooooo yummy!!!!
Violet Crumble Cheesecake
1 x 250g packet choc ripple biscuits, crushed
90g butter
3 teaspoons gelatine
¼ cup water
2 packs philly cream cheese
2/3 cup caster sugar
1 tspn vanilla essence
300ml thickened cream
2 violet crumble bars. crushed
1. Melt butter, add biscuit crumbs, mix well.
2. Press mixture into a base of 22cm spring form tin
3. Refrigerate while making filling.
4. Place water in a small bowl, sprinkle with gelatine, heat on medium in microwave for 30-40 seconds DO NOT BOIL
5. Place cream cheese in a mixing bowl, add sugar and vanilla essence, beat until smooth with electric mixer
6. Beat cream in a separate bowl until soft peaks form.
7. Stir gelatine mixture into cream cheese mixture, add cream and crushed honeycomb bars and mix well, pour into crust.
8. Refrigerate until set.
(I've used Maltesers to decorate, but little honeycomb pieces would work well too!)
Serves 10
I can now show you my angel gifts I sent to Jenny, my kiwi angel for the Angel Swap. She doesn't have a blog yet so I'll post the piccies on her behalf!!
I had so much fun doing these and it wasn't hard as Jenny and I have similar tastes in colour....so much so that I've had to start making the same things for me too !!!!!
You remember my sewing mat that Jenny of Elefantz challenged us to make??...well, I made Jenny of Kiwi origin one too, but in her fave colour - burgundy
I'm so pleased she liked them, the comments she left me are so sweet and my new-found Kiwi friend, I hope you get as much pleasure from them as I did making them for you!!!
A big. super-huge, sugary hug must go to Helen for coordinating the swap...it must have been a nightmare to organise but you've helped friendships form all across the globe....bravo!!! you are the ultimate angel!!!!
Lots more to share...but not tonight....Batman awaits!!!! (he's neeeeeeearly finished...will show you all soon)
Sweet honeycomb hugs
XXX Wendy B 'o)
so easy and sooooo yummy!!!!
Violet Crumble Cheesecake
1 x 250g packet choc ripple biscuits, crushed
90g butter
3 teaspoons gelatine
¼ cup water
2 packs philly cream cheese
2/3 cup caster sugar
1 tspn vanilla essence
300ml thickened cream
2 violet crumble bars. crushed
1. Melt butter, add biscuit crumbs, mix well.
2. Press mixture into a base of 22cm spring form tin
3. Refrigerate while making filling.
4. Place water in a small bowl, sprinkle with gelatine, heat on medium in microwave for 30-40 seconds DO NOT BOIL
5. Place cream cheese in a mixing bowl, add sugar and vanilla essence, beat until smooth with electric mixer
6. Beat cream in a separate bowl until soft peaks form.
7. Stir gelatine mixture into cream cheese mixture, add cream and crushed honeycomb bars and mix well, pour into crust.
8. Refrigerate until set.
(I've used Maltesers to decorate, but little honeycomb pieces would work well too!)
Serves 10
I can now show you my angel gifts I sent to Jenny, my kiwi angel for the Angel Swap. She doesn't have a blog yet so I'll post the piccies on her behalf!!
I had so much fun doing these and it wasn't hard as Jenny and I have similar tastes in colour....so much so that I've had to start making the same things for me too !!!!!
You remember my sewing mat that Jenny of Elefantz challenged us to make??...well, I made Jenny of Kiwi origin one too, but in her fave colour - burgundy
I threw in some thread in her colour and a teeny measuring tape key ring....very cute!!!!
There was a handy pincushion and a Cinderberry needle wallet (very popular with Angels all round, but not spotty this time!!) .....
and I thought I'd be a little different and I created a magnetic bookmark which I personalised for her
I'm so pleased she liked them, the comments she left me are so sweet and my new-found Kiwi friend, I hope you get as much pleasure from them as I did making them for you!!!
A big. super-huge, sugary hug must go to Helen for coordinating the swap...it must have been a nightmare to organise but you've helped friendships form all across the globe....bravo!!! you are the ultimate angel!!!!
Lots more to share...but not tonight....Batman awaits!!!! (he's neeeeeeearly finished...will show you all soon)
Sweet honeycomb hugs
XXX Wendy B 'o)
A sweet treat...in more ways than one!
Just a quick post.....made this yummy cheesecake for the birthday boy yesterday to take to work and it was such a success I thought I'd share it with you.....
so easy and sooooo yummy!!!!
Violet Crumble Cheesecake
1 x 250g packet choc ripple biscuits, crushed
90g butter
3 teaspoons gelatine
¼ cup water
2 packs philly cream cheese
2/3 cup caster sugar
1 tspn vanilla essence
300ml thickened cream
2 violet crumble bars. crushed
1. Melt butter, add biscuit crumbs, mix well.
2. Press mixture into a base of 22cm spring form tin
3. Refrigerate while making filling.
4. Place water in a small bowl, sprinkle with gelatine, heat on medium in microwave for 30-40 seconds DO NOT BOIL
5. Place cream cheese in a mixing bowl, add sugar and vanilla essence, beat until smooth with electric mixer
6. Beat cream in a separate bowl until soft peaks form.
7. Stir gelatine mixture into cream cheese mixture, add cream and crushed honeycomb bars and mix well, pour into crust.
8. Refrigerate until set.
(I've used Maltesers to decorate, but little honeycomb pieces would work well too!)
Serves 10
I can now show you my angel gifts I sent to Jenny, my kiwi angel for the Angel Swap. She doesn't have a blog yet so I'll post the piccies on her behalf!!
I had so much fun doing these and it wasn't hard as Jenny and I have similar tastes in colour....so much so that I've had to start making the same things for me too !!!!!
You remember my sewing mat that Jenny of Elefantz challenged us to make??...well, I made Jenny of Kiwi origin one too, but in her fave colour - burgundy
I'm so pleased she liked them, the comments she left me are so sweet and my new-found Kiwi friend, I hope you get as much pleasure from them as I did making them for you!!!
A big. super-huge, sugary hug must go to Helen for coordinating the swap...it must have been a nightmare to organise but you've helped friendships form all across the globe....bravo!!! you are the ultimate angel!!!!
Lots more to share...but not tonight....Batman awaits!!!! (he's neeeeeeearly finished...will show you all soon)
Sweet honeycomb hugs
XXX Wendy B 'o)
so easy and sooooo yummy!!!!
Violet Crumble Cheesecake
1 x 250g packet choc ripple biscuits, crushed
90g butter
3 teaspoons gelatine
¼ cup water
2 packs philly cream cheese
2/3 cup caster sugar
1 tspn vanilla essence
300ml thickened cream
2 violet crumble bars. crushed
1. Melt butter, add biscuit crumbs, mix well.
2. Press mixture into a base of 22cm spring form tin
3. Refrigerate while making filling.
4. Place water in a small bowl, sprinkle with gelatine, heat on medium in microwave for 30-40 seconds DO NOT BOIL
5. Place cream cheese in a mixing bowl, add sugar and vanilla essence, beat until smooth with electric mixer
6. Beat cream in a separate bowl until soft peaks form.
7. Stir gelatine mixture into cream cheese mixture, add cream and crushed honeycomb bars and mix well, pour into crust.
8. Refrigerate until set.
(I've used Maltesers to decorate, but little honeycomb pieces would work well too!)
Serves 10
I can now show you my angel gifts I sent to Jenny, my kiwi angel for the Angel Swap. She doesn't have a blog yet so I'll post the piccies on her behalf!!
I had so much fun doing these and it wasn't hard as Jenny and I have similar tastes in colour....so much so that I've had to start making the same things for me too !!!!!
You remember my sewing mat that Jenny of Elefantz challenged us to make??...well, I made Jenny of Kiwi origin one too, but in her fave colour - burgundy
I threw in some thread in her colour and a teeny measuring tape key ring....very cute!!!!
There was a handy pincushion and a Cinderberry needle wallet (very popular with Angels all round, but not spotty this time!!) .....
and I thought I'd be a little different and I created a magnetic bookmark which I personalised for her
I'm so pleased she liked them, the comments she left me are so sweet and my new-found Kiwi friend, I hope you get as much pleasure from them as I did making them for you!!!
A big. super-huge, sugary hug must go to Helen for coordinating the swap...it must have been a nightmare to organise but you've helped friendships form all across the globe....bravo!!! you are the ultimate angel!!!!
Lots more to share...but not tonight....Batman awaits!!!! (he's neeeeeeearly finished...will show you all soon)
Sweet honeycomb hugs
XXX Wendy B 'o)
Sunday, 8 November 2009
The Big Reveal
It has been a busy weekend....perfect....but busy!!! sewing, sewing , sewing....
I have finished my Batman quilt top and working on the back now....
I have finished my Batman quilt top and working on the back now....
I'm pretty happy with the way it's turned out....everyone at the Guild asked me if it was for my son....they couldn't believe it when I told them it was for my 29 year old teaching partner!!!
Somehow, I don't think I'll have it ready for his birthday on Tuesday....perhaps it'll have to be a teaser where I give it to him as a topper and take it back to finish it.....aaaahhh that's an idea.....maybe the backing and quilting can be his Christmas present!!!! (hehehe just jokin!)
We had our big reveal of the Round Robin Medallion Quilts we held over the past 6 months at our Guild. We had groups of 6 ladies, made a centre block of 12 1/2" and sent them round our group each month for each of us to complete the next border in the round. It was soooo much fun and helped me develop new skills and try colour combinations I wouldn't normally use!!
I sent a star block (very similar, it seems, to your BOM block, Kylie!!!) and this is how it came back....
very very be-ewwwwww-ti-ful!!!!!
Thank you ladies!!!!
Here are the other quilts I worked on in our group.....they've all turned out magnificently and everyone was extremely happy with their tops....lots of oooooh's and aaaaaah's yesterday...it's a wonder you couldn't hear them from your place!!!
Allison with her beautiful Christmas quilt
Margaret and her Bouquet Basket
Lynnie love her pink border (had to add a bit of splash!!!)
What's Noah's Ark without waves, sand and grass???
Allyson's Moda blocks were gorgeous
They all came out different sizes and Allyson won't have to do much more to make hers into a queen sized bed quilt! And I must show you Gloria's wonder......her rooster block astounded her when it returned to her as this......
Isn't it wonderful??? all the quilts were very impressive...so much talent at the local guild...if you're not in one, you should consider joining....it's so much fun and you learn so much from all the ladies!!!!
I'll share with you the other quilts in my next post....too many to share now.
So what surprises have you got this weekend?? I'd love to hear!
Well, I'm off to judge my junior duckies in the Annual Rotary Duck Race!!! I'll tell you all about it next time!
Big sugary hugs
XX Wendy B 'o)
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