Look what arrived for meeeee!!!
Woohooo....all those grey clouds are clearing, my week is brightening....Thank you Narelle.....You've made my rather miserable week a very memorable one, for all the right reasons!!!! What a darling, I truly appreciate it!
Now for the formalities....
I must:
* thank and link my presenter ~ Thankyou so much,
Narelle I will definitely treasure it always!
* Post the award on my blog.
* Tell 7 interesting things about myself. I'll list them down below (I
think they're interesting..well, sort of...??!!)
* Nominate 7 blogs and link to them.
Here goes.....
The interesting bits -
1. I am left-handed but play most sports right-handed but throw balls left handed, use a knife and fork right handed but spoons mostly left handed....so I guess I'm ambidextrous????
2. I once drove a car across the Nullabor 100kms when I was 10 years old (oops!!) but times were different then!
3. I've never broken a bone in my body.....touch wood! But I've been in hospital more times than I care to remember.
4. I've visited every state and territory in Australia, except Northern Territory. (it's on my list of 'to do's!)
5. If I was stuck on a desert island, I would have to have with me either tiramisu or sticky date pudding (or both) as a staple food.....Yep, I love my sweets!
6. Funnily enough though, I always eat the vegetables on my plate first and have done since I was little....a legacy of my generation I guess.
7. I am a real softy....I love puppies and kittens, babies, romance, soppy movies, love songs....aaaaah!
7 blogs I love to visit: (but don't forget to look at all in my blogroll...I love visiting you all!!!!!)
1. Dawn at
Dawn Hay Designs Dawn was my very first follower...thank you my lovely bloggy friend
2. Joy at
JoyPatch Joy always makes me smile...and she's having a giveaway at the moment!!!!
5. Jean at
Quilting Ranny An always thoughtful blogger and downright wonderful Christian woman.
How hard is that to stop at just 7????? I could easily have cut and pasted my blogfeed which would take you into next year before you visited everyone that I love to visit!!!!!!
And just to fill you in on the crafty side of me in the past couple of days.....
I managed to finish my February Flirting with Flowers (FFF...sounds like I've got a stutter!!) BOM on
Vicki's blog. I've never really liked needleturn before, because of a previous baaaaad experience, but with Vicki's tutorial and the right equipment, I've discovered a new found love!!!!!

I must catch some zzzzz's so I'm ready for our Mystery Quilting at the Resort tomorrow!!
sugary hugs
XX Wendy :O)