Monday, 5 July 2010
Yay, I’ve done it!!!!! No, nothing exciting like winning lotto or a new car or house or boat……… I’ve moved my blog to Windows Live Writer and yes… is soooooo much easier!!!!! (and, yes, I AM easily pleased!!! hehehe) Thank you soooo much to Vikki and Joy for their encouragement to ‘jump the fence’ to fix my bloggy problems……life is better….yeah!!!! And whilst I’m here…….just to show you I DID do some crafty business this past weekend……..
……my second knee rug for our aged home! These are so quick and easy. We had fabric donated to do these and I chose already cut 8” x 4” rectangles which had apparently been collected over a number of years from being part of a fabric club. Heaven knows how old some of these are, but they are quality cottons and some are really beautiful so we know that age is just a mere number…a bit like us really!!!!!! LOL I chose to sew them in a brickwork pattern (is there a ‘proper’ name for this style??), staggering each row. They are backed with flannelette (no wadding) and I chose to quilt it in an envelope style, where you sew backing and front. right sides together, leaving an opening and then turning right sides out. I stitched a ‘faux border/binding’ then quilted diagonally….I figured this would be best as no wadding needed to be held but as these rugs will go through commercial washers and dryers, they needed to withstand the punishment!!!!
Sorry, it’s not ironed….I was just so keen to try my new toy out!!!! hehehe. Notice the cityscape fabric?….doesn’t look much in the photo but ooooo, would I love to get my hands on more of that!!! It’s bewdiful!!!!!
The first knee rug I did was very soft and feminine….this one is more the novelty one, with a couple of embroidered pussycats, courtesy of Maureen, (a non-bloggy friend), pumpkins, cows, teddies, dinosaurs, fish, teapots, etc etc….I figure the recipients will have some fun with this one…perhaps some reminiscing????!!!!
So that means number 1 done for OPAM for July…….wow, it’s only the 5th too…….There’s hope for me yet!! Life IS better, yeah!!!!! sugary hugs (warm ones, if you’re in the chilly parts of the world!!!) XXX Wendy :O)
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must give that a try... live writer that is.... happy stitching
Sweet Cinnamon-y Hugs Dawn x x
Ahhh Wendy!!! Whoo-hoooo! You're a convert - and isn't it great?!!!
LOVE the knee rugs sweetie - as I'm sure their recipients will too! I love the brickwork effect, have just designed a cot quilt using it too! :-)
Have a great week darling!!!!
Hugs and love! Vikki xoxo :-)
How good is Windows Live I have been using that for quite a the knee rug and I am sure the oldies will be thrilled Wendy...
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