Sunday, 1 August 2010
How could I refuse?
Yesterday was our local Burdekin Uniting Church Craft Spectacular so a couple of quilt-y friends and I headed off for a wonderful day.
Despite having many lucky draws, this chook was not a lucky one but……….I did set myself a reasonable spending limit and I didn’t go tooo far over it!!! Starting off at the Tinker’s Cart stall, I spied these Mouline Madeira threads for 50c each! I knew I needed some to finish my Nice People Nice Things stitcheries, so I snavelled these up, quick smart!
Then after vowing we’d do ‘the lap’ before buying anything more, we stopped halfway around and bought these…
…more threads, but hand dyed…..just thought it would be nice to give them a try, or maybe even just to admire in the thread stash? Then after a quick trip around the other side of the hall, we found Wendy P’s IddyBiddy Cottage stall. We stayed there for aaaaages as Wendy always has great deals and if you order online, she always adds in a 'little something extra’ to say thank you…..she’s amazing….and being ‘down the road’ in Proserpine, makes her a local! With a love of roses, and a very cheap pricetag, I knew this panel and fabric kit would find a loving home at my place!
I want to do a red and white with a ‘touch’ of blue quilt so I couldn’t pass these by….
This Thimbleberries dessert roll called me and I can see another of Dawn’s Baseco Mahal Kita Totes being made out of this……
My lovely friend Gloria thought these looked just like me so she couldn’t walk past them as a gifty….isn’t she a sweetie!!!!????
Then it was lunch and time to finish the ‘lap’ we had begun hours before!!!! We were very good then, and had held off on buying any more until after ‘high tea’ where we were served cakes and tea off a trolley….simply scrumptious…but seeing I was enjoying it so much, I forgot to take a photo!!!! I did however get a photo of the giveaway placemats and bookmarks that the church provided at each table….
…..aren’t they lovely? Then it was time for lap number 2. Needless to say the closing time of 3pm was looming quite closely, but we never even thought to look at the clock…we were having waaaaaaay too much fun! I spied this lovely stack of 2 panels and 5 coordinating fq’s and thought how nice they would be in the quilt I am yet to design to commemorate the anniversary of my mum’s passing to cancer. I’m going to look at what other fabrics I’ve been collecting, just for this purpose, and start working out how best I can put these together very soon, as the anniversary is on the 4th October, only 2 months away!
…and just as all the ‘thank you’ announcements and major prize winners were announced (of which I was definitely NOT one :( !! ) I found this pattern book and jelly roll which just begged me to take it home… could I resist?????
…..and they were shooing us out the door as this popped into my bag……
… A Quilter’s Priority kit……just the reminder I needed to get rid of the ‘quilty guilties’…..
Don’t you just love it!!???? Our arms were sore from carrying our bundles, our tummies sore from all the lovely food and our cheeks were sore from aaaaaaaall the laughing and chatting we did ……who could ask for a better day! Thank you my lovely friends for making my day so special. And then, to end the day, we watched this beautiful cane fire from our front garden….
….don’t worry, that fire is behind the trees and posts!!!! Hope your day was as special as mine! Sugary hugs XXX Wendy :O)
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What a glorious day you've had , the best kinda day, friends , fabric and fun...and some yummy sewing things you've bought... I love the Thimbleberries roll of fabric, so nice.. and those threads yummo....wonderful time for you... and I love the photo of the sugar canes burning.
Hugs Dawn x x x
Oh my, I was having covet overload.....wonderful wonderful stuff....
Wow! You have got some beautiful new things, heaps really! Can you tell me what the fabric with the words on it is called, the one on top of the FQ pack?
How true is the quilters priority! LOL
Oh my, that was a lovely day with so many treasures to take home with you!
Ok, I give, what is a moogle and a Moggie, I have a standard poodle and have heard of a lot of mixes with that breed, inquiring minds want to know!
Nice blog, I visit often, but don't always comment.
Oh sweet Wendy - I have a big smile on my face after reading this post - sounds like the most perfect day!! I'm so happy you had fun, and thank you for sharing your pics with us - I love your purchases and look forward to seeing your mum's quilt. My mum passed away to cancer many years ago and I have a "Bareroots" wallhanging I want to make in her memory, too. I never sewed when she was alive so want to gift her now she's in heaven! I absolutely adore the fabrics you have chosen!
Hugs darling girl!!!!
Vikki xoxoxox :-)
What wonderful goodies made their way home with you... lucky, lucky, lucky xx I have that Quilters Priority pattern too.. I must get it out and make it.. I'd forgotten all about it til I saw yours! Awesome spending Wendy!
Wow!! what a wonderful day!! really only was 4 hours!! What a packed time we had! I had fun too and now I really think I should blog my buys as well
Hugs Gloria
Hi, hope it's OK to contact you here. We would love to include your blog on our giveaway search engine: Giveaway Scout ( Have a look and if interested, use our online form to add your blog ( ). thanks, Josh
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