This was what greeted me as I left my house this morning to go to school to help move things away from windows, unplug electrical items, computers, interactive whiteboards, phones etc in preparation for Cyclone Anthony this evening.

It is predicted to cross within 100km of us so we are expecting lots of rain and some strong winds….it is currently only a category 1 with the possibility of it developing into a category 2 before it crosses the coast. Currently, at a category 1, it is travelling at 120km/hr . A category 2 storm travels between 125-165km/hr. You can follow Anthony’s movements
here. But at the moment, it is really eerie…..things are calm….there are no birds flying about, the air is relatively still seeing a cyclone is nearing us, the sky is dull and there is little movement about the town. The car dealers in the main street have moved their display vehicles out of their premises and now, it’s just a waiting game! But we aren’t too concerned with TC Anthony……he’s only a little bubba. There is a prediction….forecast…..call it what you will…..for a larger cyclone to hit later in the week. A low currently northwest of Fiji is forecast to develop into a tropical cyclone and move west into the region on Tuesday. Reports say it could be category 4 or 5…..travelling at over 225km/hr, we could be in for a wild ride!!! Well, with all this build up, what is a girl to do????? Sew, of course!!!

Here’s some sneakies of my
Vintage Turnovers flimsy I told you about. I’ve finished the top, now to sandwich and quilt. That will be done next weekend! You can get your own freebie pattern
here. Thanks for pointing us in the right direction
Khris!!! And I’ve been catching up on some Raggedy stitching too…. onto stitcheries for block 3……

Wind’s starting to pick up and the rain’s beginning to fall…..I’d better think about getting off the computer!
Sugary hugs XXX Wendy :o)
I hope you stay safe and dry. I will be thinking of you.
Stay safe honey. Stitching will keep you busy.
Hugs Fee X
Good luck over the next week with the forecast weather. It's hard having to wait to see what happens, so sewing is a great way to use the time as long as there is a power supply.
The quilt and the stitchery look great!
Take care and good luck.
That top photo is eerie!
Stay safe...we could be in for a bumpy ride.
Oh be safe Wendy - I am praying for you and Jenny - keep on sewing, your quilt is looking so lovely!
Love your quilt.
Hope all goes ok up there with these cyclones. Take care and keep safe.
Praying Wendy not only for you, but all others in the path of this cyclone. Hugs my friend, stay warm and away from the windows!
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