“The story of a girl who needs to slow down. To find herself. To fall in love. And to discover what an iron is for…….”It’s a definite feel-good novel that I couldn’t put down….Dawn was absolutely right…..and I, not being one for reading novels, finished it in a day and a half!!!! She thought I might relate to it…..not the undomestic bit, but the ‘having to slow down’ bit, and I must agree….with having this time off with my surgery, I’ve discovered another side to life other than work, work, work! So we decided it would be a ‘pay it forward’ type of giveaway……Dawn has sent it to me with the proviso that I forward it on to another worthy recipient. If you would like to ‘win’ this book then just leave a comment and I will pick a winner (with the help of Mr R.N.G.) on Friday 10th June AEST. There is only one proviso……you MUST NOT break the chain……this book is a Pay It Forward and MUST be passed on to another winning blogger, to eventually make it’s way back to Dawn after 25 people have read it. If you ‘win’ the book, you must contact Dawn and thank her, then add your name and blog addy to the list inside the front of the book. The 25th ‘winner’ must contact Dawn via her blog and return it to her. These are the only conditions for entering this giveaway and must be strictly adhered to for it to work. Please don’t enter if you can’t comply. Good luck and sugary hugs XXX Wendy :0)
Sunday, 5 June 2011
Birthdays and a PIF Giveaway
Whew, it has been one busy week with a trip back to hospital where I spent my birthday, visits from special friends and physiotherapy galore. Some sneaky ‘birdies’ spread the rumour and I love them for it…..I had sooo many people wishing me wonderful birthday wishes…..made me feel very special! Thank you from the bottom, middle and top of my
Lots of people said to me,”How terrible, having to spend your birthday in hospital”, but I don’t see it that way…….I got to have a wonderful sleep in, I lay about in bed all day and night, didn’t have any chores to do and every meal, including morning and afternoon tea were brought to me in bed, without a-ny whinging what-so-ever…and no dishes to wash up!!!! And I got flowers, balloons and chocolates….. and a giant teddy named Toby! (can you see why I named him Toby????…mm mmmmm!) 

It was only an overnighter in hospital and YES, the surgery had much more success than I’d imagined. Apparently I was only knocked out for about 5 minutes but before I went under, I found the scrub nurse in surgery was having her birthday on the same day too……and she was even born in the same year! It seems that I am still older than her though because I was born just after midnight and she was born at 4am…..just beat her by thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much! I knew this because before they put the mask on me, they told me not to go anywhere while they headed off to the lunch room for 5 minutes to share birthday cake……and they STILL didn’t save me any!!!!! No matter, I still had some lovely birthday surprises during the week…… DS brought me some lovely pink roses….he knows me oh so well….
….and I had a lovely visit from my friend Jenny. Time just seems to fly when we get a moment to catch up…..
and the sweety even made me these gorgeous goodies….a pincushion and a needlecase. She’s such a talented li’l thing! 
My friends Gloria, and Robin (no blog) brought me these quilty treasures…
(you can never have too many threads!)
Look at what delights are inside….. 

Yummy….I may have to try some of these out! And Lynette knows that a necessity of every quilting gal is …
………..coffee and chocolate!!!!! My dear bloggy friend, Narelle was so worried about me after my operation, that she sent me this gorgeous hanky she’d made to carry with me to remind me her thoughts and prayers were with me………and the card is just rosy!!!!!! How beautiful is she????
I have had the best birthday ever……a promise of a healthy, fixed knee (if I continue to work at it) and the love of family and friends…..these to me are more valuable that anything and more than all the money in the world could buy!
Now, I did mention a giveaway……. my lovely buddy Dawn had been talking to me about this wonderful book she’d been reading and she snuck it into my parcel that she surprised me with here. It’s called “The Undomestic Goddess” by Sophie Kinsella and is the funniest read…..people at the doctor’s surgery thought I was a nutcase as I giggled under my breath…..I dare to think what they thought when I broke out in raucous laughter!!!
Here is the blurb from the back cover……
blog friends,
Dawn Hay,
Jenny of Elefantz,
Pay It Forward,
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Wow! What a blessed birthday away from home! I am so happy it all worked out and you seem to be feeling much better! I love reading, so sign me up! What does the mug say? I couldn't read it. You are blessed with so many that care!
Geez girl, other than having your knee manipulated it sounds like the perfect birthday! A visit from Jenny is the absolute icing on the cake. That bear is awesome - you have a lovely family, and lovely friends!!! Don't enter me in the PIF, I just can't add another thing to my plate right now....it will be fun to see everywhere it visits though!
Hi Wendy, your birthday does sound lovely, even though you were in hospital- geez some people will do anything to be able to have a day in bed-LOL.
I love the idea of PIF with that book, it is a great idea. Sandy. :)
Not bad at all for a birthday spent in hospital :)
Love the part about all meals delivered and no dishes!
I love to read and would love to be a part of a PIF ... great idea!
I used to like spending time in hospital. Maybe I liked getting away from my brothers or was it the feeling of being spoilt and waited on? LOL I'm glad your knee is coming good.
The book sounds great and it is a fantastic idea!
Love gifts Wendy. Love the bear he is gorgeous. Would love to win the book to read & be part of the PIF. Sounds a great book. Hugs,
What gawjus gifties you got sweet Wendy, and well deserved too - so glad you're feeling better after your hospital trip. How lovely that you got a visit from Jen too - wish I could've joined you both, I reckon we'd have had such a giggle ;o)!!!!
Oh and I'd just love to join in the PIF with that book, it looks like a great read.
Love n hugs,
Joy :o) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful day with lot's of lovely goodies.
Happy birthday........glad you had a nice day..........
Happy birthday to you.
You sound like you have a good attitude about the time in the hosptial. Might as well
make the most of it.
Would like to be apart of the drawing.
THe book sounds like a good read.
And eventhough I do not have a blog I would promise to keep the chain going thru you and Dawn.
THank you....Karencg
Wendy so thrilled to see that you had a wonderful Birthday. I would love to join in the pass it forward book as from what you said it is quiet a laugh and we all need that some times. Also that idea is a great one for all us craft lovers to have read the same book that one of our dear blogger friends has recommended. So please add me to Mr R.N.G List.
I am so sorry i missed your birthday! HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY WISHES - you sound as if you had a blast!! (except for missing out on extra birthday cake - meanies!!) Hope everything is still progressing well.
So happy for you Wendy that your time in hospital wasnt too daunting for your Birthday :) I would love to be in the PIF with that book...Dawn has told me about it and so would love to have a read :) Hugs Vicki xxx
Oh how fun! I love Kinsella's other books and am needing a good read! I'd be glad to PIF if I am the lucky winner!
Wow look at all of those goodies - You deserve to be spoilt. That book sounds like a real barrel of laughs - Some good light hearted humour - We can all do with that in our lives :)
Hugs - Fee XX
Popped by to follow here too.
I'm a little late but hoping all went well!
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