Ta Dah!!!! What do you think? I’m very happy with my take on the Vintage Turnover pattern I found
here. I managed to finish it at our Guild’s UFO weekend to attack our stashes of UFO’s in preparation for our biennial Quilt Show at the end of July. My gorgeous friend
Dawn helped me by stippling this beauty and I finished it by quilting the flowers and binding…..I’m sooooo happy with how it turned out!

I don’t know if you can see the spiral quilting in the flower centre but if you squint and hold your tongue the right way, you just might!!! A nice, bright yellow for the binding….

….and my very own touch for the border

A pieced backing which is lovely and crinkly AND very snuggable! A real girly-girl ‘pretty’ that will hold its own in a very male – oriented home! *hee hee hee*……Girls unite! I’ve also been working on my
‘Raggedy Friends’ quilt which is nearing the flimsy stage…..just one block to go and some sashing and borders, which should be done by the weekend…..and no, I haven’t taken any photos yet!!!…..sorry! I do have one other finish but because it’s winging its way south, I can’t divulge too much but I can give you a little sneaky…..

I told you it was sneaky…this could be A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G!!!!! You’ll just have to wait and see! Hope your weekend was full of crafty finishes too *wink*!
sugary hugs Wendy :0)
Congratulations!! The quilt is BEAUTIFUL!! It makes me happy looking at it so it must make you ecstatic being able to touch and feel it!! ENJOY!!
Love the turnover quilt. It is beautiful! It sounds like you had a productive weekend!
love the quilt.........very girly.........
Very Pretty..Love the Flowers & the Yellow Binding really goes with it...
Well Done!
Love the quilt, the colours, the flowers, the quilting and especially your yellow bingind! Love it. And above all love the girly-girlishness of it as I also come from a male dominated house - me and two cute little dogs against three six foot tall males!
oh Wendy you finished it beautifully...Love the swirly scolls in the flower centre's...its adorable...and the yellow binding sets it off so nicely... Love it..well done dear friend... love the sneaky colors...
Hugs Dawn x x x...
oooh, that came out nice! love that pattern.i love the back too!
Lovely finish and yes could see your scrolls in the centre of the flower.
How good are you getting your Raggedy Friends blocks nearly done. I downloaded a few and have not even started it.
This turned out to be really nice. :)
Nice job!
what a lovely quilt, it looks so fresh
Wendy the quilt is just gorgeous what a fantastic job you have done....love those flowers...
Wendy it looks SUPER GAWJUS!!! Very girlie and lovely - do love the pretty flowers.
Looking forward to seeing more of the one that's heading south ... bet it's beautiful too :o)!!!!
Love n hugs,
Joy :o)
I love your turnover quilt it's so pretty and feels like Springtime...I love the yellow binding. Well done you've done a beautiful job.
Your quilt is sew cute! I love the flowers and the border. Great job.
The quilt is lovely.... and I love the colours you have chosen...
Wendy - that is gorgeous - I love it! Truly a girly quilt - and hopefully only YOU will use it, lol! Doesn't always work at my house.
That is such a happy quilt Wendy, so well done...
Very lovely.....love the fabrics!
Your quilts are beautiful! I'm enjoying looking around on your blog! ♥ Thanks for visiting me, too! ♥
I love your quilt! I was wondering if you still had your copy of the pattern? I had printed it off the Moda website long ago, and between now and then it's off the website and I can't find my pattern! I'd really appreciate it if you could help!
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