Friday, 14 October 2011
A Change in the weather.
Every morning this week we’ve woken to this foggy outlook, right up until 9am….
…which means the days are stinking hot…..33 – 34 degrees celsius on average. Today was quite mild….it only got to 32 degrees and it was noticably different, believe it or not!!! I was talking with Dawn the other day and her top temperature was 17 degrees for the day in Adelaide……so hard to believe we live in the same country!!!! The spiders have taken to getting busy during the night and had we not had the fog and mist, I probably wouldn’t have noticed this web on my windscreen wiper….
….amazing critters aren’t they!? We have one busy guy who builds his web right between the garden and the bush outside our front door….I haven’t been able to get a photo as he’s disassembled it by morning but I notice it’s rebuilt each night as I take Ralph for his last ‘pitstop’ for the night!
Well, I’m not the kinda girl to break a promise and I invited you all for scones and tea so here they are, light and fluffy, fresh from the oven……amazing what you can do with flour, butter and milk!!!…
We had to wait just a bit for them to cool before we could add the homemade strawberry jam and cream but here they are…..hope you enjoy them!!!!……(pity we didn’t have taste-vision….I don’t think licking the screen has the same effect though!! LOL)
This week, I was working on preparing a project with our year 7 students….each year the year 7’s complete a creative project to leave to the school in remembrance of them. We’ve made mosaics, painted school murals, built gardens, but this year, we’re making a quilt to hang in our new library/resource centre. The design will have a stitched block between a nine-patch, alternating on each line. The students are stitching the blocks with their names, so they will never be forgotten, in the school colours of red and blue, and the nine patches will be in varying tones of red. I’ve prepared the blocks here for stitching before I took them to school to work with the kids….need I say, they were very excited…even the boys, but you probably remember that from when I stitched with them here.
I’ve also been working on this set of placemats…..well, you can only see one, because the others have still got to be bound….but they are all quilted and ready to go!!!
This is the back of this one….each has a different backing fabric and I decided to quilt them in the ditch and then using parallel lines around the edge. I’ll have to finish them off and post them onto the ‘Sew It’s Finished” blog as they were in my list of UFO’s for the year….and it’s only taken me till October!!!! LOL Time to spare, time to spare!!!!! hehehe

Tomorrow, I’m off on a bus trip with some ladies from our quilt group to Cardwell, about 4 hours north of here. The quilting ladies from Cardwell are having a ‘Show and Tell’ so it should be loads of fun….remember they had a terrible time earlier this year with Cyclone Yasi which nearly wiped them off the planet! Well these ladies have been working like trojans, getting themselves back together to put on a ‘show’ for us so we’re off to show our support. I must remember my camera so I can share when I get home! Hope you’ve got a wonderfully crafty weekend planned too. Sugary hugs XOX Wendy :O)
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We're having very weird weather here too Wendy. Monster storm yesterday and I was driving in it.... eeeeek....I am not looking forward to summer at all. Love the placemat, you've been busy. Enjoy your bus trip tomorrow xx
What a fun time doing the quilt blocks with the Year 7s. Looking forward to seeing what they achieve. The placemat looks beautiful. Hope your trip to Cardwell is really good - I am sure it will be a wonderful day, after all their hard work.
Wow, what a week....we are still having weird weather...not as hot as yours...Thank God... Love the mr Webby.. he he. Busy Busy girl in the sewing dept... projects for school, placemats and off to a show... Have FUN.
Hugs Dawn x x x
Hi Wendy! Love the placemats. It is so great that the kids are getting crafty.
Funny weather isn't it? Here it has been quite mild but we are getting storms at all times of the day.
HATE spiders - I went to get in the car one day, and one had spun his web all over the steering wheel and my seat! Had to get my son to clean it up and kill the thing for me. Yum, scones...thanks!
A quilt is a great idea, I can't wait to see the pics. Amazing that you get them all to do that! Your placemats are gorgeous, really like that star. Enjoy your trip, girl!
The scones and jam and cream look delicious.
What a great way for the children to leave a remembrance of themselves with the school. Years from now if they come back to visit, I'll bet each of them looks for see if their contribution is still there.
you can keep the humidity.........storms here last night.........and again this morning........little bit of rain which was nice.......
I bet you had a wonderful time at Cardwell!
The placemats are gorgeous, and what a blessing you are to the students. :-)
Did you know we've had 41 two days this week?? Ghastly!!!!
Love and hugs
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