Many apologies for the late posting of my competition winner!!!… my power went out yesterday afternoon and didn’t come on til late last night, when I was well and truly in the Land of Nod! Thank you to everyone who entered my ‘belated’ 2nd Anniversary of Blogging competition….I loved reading all your comments. Seems us bloggers get our inspiration from a lot of different places but we all agree that most of our inspiration comes from each other in the blogging community…..makes ya feel good don’t it????? And for those of you who haven’t taken the plunge into creating your own blog yet, that’s a pretty good reason to start!!!! I know when I first began, I thought no-one would be remotely interested in what I had to say or what I did in my little corner of the world…..but you know what??? This is where I’ve created many lifelong friendships and learnt soooooo much! Roll on the next 10 years of blogging… least!!!!! LOL

Ok, onto the winner……… … I’m not one for mathematical equations, but being a teacher, I tend to deal with them ‘sometimes’ (LOL), and even though I know all the rules of possibilities and probabilities, my mindset tells me that in a competition, whether it be a raffle or draw or something like that, the first number and the last number rarely get picked out!!! I never want the first number or the last number in a book of tickets even though logically, I know that they’ve got just as much of a chance of getting picked out as any other number!!!! Well…… Mr Random Number Generator proved theory right again and threw my ‘logic’ out the window, and he picked the very first comment to win my Colour My World Competition??? Who’d have thunk?????

Congratulations Narelle!!!!! Narelle has left a new comment on your post "Colour my world and yours with a competition!": Hi Wendy, Love all those threads that you have wound and the colours look just great. The photo's are all wonderful. My inspiration on most days come from my morning cuppa and blog hopping to see all the wonderful things that other bloggers have done and then i just want to go and sew and make something beautiful. Hope that you have a great weekend.
Narelle Well, Narelle……I hope YOU have a great weekend or what’s left of it!!!! I’m sure you will !!!!!! And here’s your prize…..

I’ll get it out to you in the mail……………..I sure hope you like it!

And my final OPAM finish for September…..just squeeeeeeeeeeezed it in on the 30th!!!! (Had to…it was for a friend’s 50th Halloween party that night!!!! tee hee) The front……..

………the back…………..(t’was a windy day!!!!)……….

…and I sure learnt a thing or two about free motion quilting spider webs from

…after which I got pretty comfortable with Free Motion and thought I’d get inventive so I did this…..

…and with metallic thread too!!!!! It absolutely shocked me that it worked……I’ve never had much success with metallics before but this time, it worked a treat!!!!! I had lots of fun….and I know Ralph was just ‘itching’ to try the quilt out too…..even before it was finished!!!!!

Hope you’ve had a super weekend with lots of success in the sewing room! sugary hugs Wendy :O) X
Congrats to Narelle, I do so like the colours in the opam quilt, vibrant and different, sounds as if the free motion was a real buzz.
Yay Wendy, Well what a lovely way to end my day. Have just come in from fencing with DH and clearing some more trees. Had a shower and made a cuppa to come and see what everyone is up to in blog land today and can not believe it. DH wondered why i was jumping around then i showed him. Thank you i will be watching for the mailman
Bug Hugs
Congrats, Rell. That is so great!! Enjoy your lovely prize. :)
Congrats to Narelle and oh my gosh I love your Halloween quilt - your fmq is to die for, girl! Amazing!
I love your Halloween quilt and congrats to Narelle
Hello Wendy,
Congrats to Naralle,enjoy your prize. Love the Halloween quilt especially as you made those super spider webs.
happy days.
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