Friday, 16 March 2012
Joining me for FNSI???
What a whirlwind of a week…..a trip down to Mackay for a couple of days so hubby could renew his mining qualifications, included a well-timed trip for me to Spotlight with their 30%off sale !!!! I stocked up on the necessities….pellon, cottons and these beauties….
…lovely ribbons and ricrac and mini pompom trim…..I’ve got lots of plans for these!!!!
The weather was quite kind to us while we were away but once we returned, the rain hasn’t stopped….they’ve predicted flooding between here and Mackay this week, so I think our timing was perfect!!!!
Looks like the wet season has finally arrived!!!!
I took these beauties with me and managed to get two blocks done whilst we were away. 

Last night, I caught up and finished the last of my Birdie Stitches blocks for the BOM I started with Little Miss Shabby last year. Can’t choose my favourite…I love them all!!!! Soooooo…… tonight, for my FNSI project, I plan to start putting my flimsy together and I hopefully will have a finish by the end of the month to show you!!!!
Why don’t you join me??? Get comfy in your jammies and settle down with a cup o’ tea and your project. (or you could relax with a glass of wine….but watch those wobbly stitches!!!!) Loadsa fun….and you could win prizes too!!!! Sign up and details are here.
As you know, I live in a cane farming district. The other morning, during a break in the weather, I got a bit of a surprise! 

No, it’s not stunt men preparing for a new James Bond movie (however James Bond would be a bit of an attraction!!!) …..this nifty pilot was spraying the cane with pesticides! Look how close he goes to the ground!!!!!! I was sure he was going to crash on numerous occasions!!! And, if it were a James Bond film set, I’d be close at hand to give mouth to mouth….after all, I have my First Aid Certificate……and it IS my civic obligation to help, isn’t it?????? LOL Always something interesting going on about here….is it any wonder it takes me so long to get my crafty projects done!!!!!! LOL Anyways, must off and prepare for my big Night In!!!!! Hope you’ll be there to join me! sugary hugs :O)
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lol,great post Wendy.xx
Nice timing on your trip to Mackay. We have to help keep the economy buoyant! Your blocks are gorgeous in their soft, pretty colours. Tracee xx
We are soooo over the rain here!
It looks like you had a fun time at spotlight!
Well your timing was perfect for your trip, girl, lovely bits and bobs you got! Love your birdy stitches blocks. Hope you get a lot done! Fun pics of the helicopter, but too bad it wasn't Bond...James Bond...
love the colours in your birdie stitcheries... so pretty....are you sure that wasn't the crime spotters looking for herbs in your garden... I hear they grow well up your way?
James Bond film... yep, I'd love Daniel Craig buzzing around near my house in a helicopter too! Then I wouldn't need wine to give me wobbly stitches, ha! The birdie stitcheries are so cute
Pleased you got home in time before the rain.
Nice buys. I also went Spotlight shopping yesterday in Geralton.
Lovely Birdie stitchery,have fun putting it together tonight.
Oh I would not like to be near all that spraying.......
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