Friday, 8 June 2012
more lovely surprises???
Where has this week gone??? Monday I was taking my boy up to the airport to catch a plane to the ‘big smoke’, and it’s Friday already!!!! So much has been happening! After I waved my DS goodbye for a couple of weeks, my car (well, my son’s car!!!) found itself toodling off to a gorgeous friend’s house!! And she surprised me with these gorgeous gifties for my birthday….
My very own gorgeous mini runner made with Pam Kitty….simply stunning….I wish you could see it up close and ‘in the real’….Jen’s stitching is just P-E-R-F-E-C-T!!!!
…and I’ve found the perfect place for it too…
right atop my piano as you walk in the front door…..and then, I thought it was a bit bare so…….
…there….that’s better!!!! What do you think?? 
She also gave me a wonderful kit for this gorgeous bag….don’t know if you can see it very clearly,perhaps if you click on the picture, but I’m hoping to work on it on the weekend, in time to take it away on my trip ‘down south’! Jen’s darling girl Bloss even bought me a rose….pity she wasn’t there to give a great big sugary hug to!!!! 
She is such a sweety!!! Love ya, Bloss! Then, Tuesday, I FINALLY got to rekindle my relationship with….
….yep, my baby came home!!!! Yippeee……it’s ONLY been 4 1/2 months waiting for it to be returned to it’s original condition after someone ran into the back of me!!!! I am so happy to have her back home….poor thing…… 18.5K worth of damage….and you wouldn’t know it now……it’s such a joy not having to beg or borrow a lift! Then Wednesday was our wedding anniversary……8 years of togetherness in matrimony… how time flies!!!!!
Gee, I wonder where that slim young lady went????? haha And my hubby researched and found that 8 years is represented by linen, among other things, so he went out and bought me….you guessed it…….a quilt!
Just tops the bed nicely…..AND it’s even monagrammed with hearts!!!! And yup, he IS a keeper!!!!
Wednesday saw me finally catching up with the washing, and photographing wildlife in the backyard….
don’t know if you can see him but here he is, posing for the camera… 
This one’s ok….he’s only a harmless little tree snake sunning himself, but when I mowed the lawn that afternoon, I was greeted by a much bigger brown snake….much more dangerous and seeing as it’s getting colder, he was a little sluggish, thank goodness. I think I woke him from a slumber, but luckily, he wasn’t to cranky with me and slithered away slowly, stopping once to flick his tongue about, probably to see if I was still there, and then off into the banana trees he went. Phew! During the nights I’ve managed to get a little stitching done… I’ve drawn up my stitchery I received from the lovely Marilyn and it’s been keeping me occupied in front of the tv at night....
I’ve even got the next part drawn up!
Well, I can hear a knock at the door… to stitch up these curtains we started last week……hopefully a finish!? sugary hugs xox :O)
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What a lovely post Wendy You are very lucky to have such special friends and a dear hubby xx
such pretty stitchery ;-)
wow! no wonder you are wondering where the week went!! You HAVE been lucky with your presents, leave the snakes alone though !!
Bloss just read your blog and is sending you a big cyber-hug to her Auntie Wendy!
I am feeling so honoured that you've put your wedding photo on the runner...but once again, you are doing small things with great love.
Joe, you are amazing! Love your gift to your sweetheart!!
I just googled what a 21st wedding anniversary gift is and told Mark it's nickel...white gold jewellery has nickel, so I think I dropped a good hint. ;-)
Glad the car is home!!! o/o/o/
Love ya gorgeous,
Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary! My what a week you're having! GORGEOUS gifts from Jenny...AND HUBBY, wow! I'll say he's a keeper. Glad you got your wheels back, hon! Stay away from those snakes, yikes...
Ewww snake! Wow! You have it all figured out, anniversary, birthday, new quilt, runner- wow!
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