Friday, 28 June 2013
Time for a giveaway….
Time for a giveaway….
I’m thinking, to commemorate the finish of my new pattern, “The Best Place You Can Be”, I need to have a giveaway!
Just a sidenote…..Tobi Teddy is not included!!!! Hubby would DIE!!! see…..he was a present for my birthday and arrived when I was in hospital having further manipulations after my knee replacement….he came with a GIGANTIC block of Toblerone ...….mm mmmm….hence the name…Tobi!!!
This design is to show our besties how much they really mean to us. It uses basic embroidery stitches and applique techniques and it even has step-by-step instructions to make the easiest-bow-that- works-every-time bow!!! Believe me, I tried it dozens of times to make sure!!!!!
Just leave a comment at the end of this post to enter……share on your blog or fb page with a link back for an extra entry…but don’t forget to leave a second comment to let me know!!! And become a follower for a third entry (don’t forget to comment again!)
I’ll draw it next Monday night, my time…that is, Monday 1st July AEST….
PS…if you just can’t wait, you can purchase the pattern in my Craftsy store HERE, and if you win, I’ll credit you the cost of the pattern!
good luck, fingers crossed and big sugary hugs xox :O)
Tuesday, 25 June 2013
Aiming for Accuracy……I can’t wait!!!!

Aiming for Accuracy……I can’t wait!!!!
I’m not one to let a good project slip by, so I’m joining with Michele over at the Quilting Gallery to brush up on a few skills. I can’t wait!!!
Over the next 16 weeks, quite a few bloggers from all over the globe are getting together and learning – slash – revising – slash – re-learning the skills of accuracy…..accurate cutting and sewing, and the finished result will be this beauty……
The quilt finishes at 58″ x 82″ and contains 30 blocks and a few single units. I can’t wait…..and I figure, being designed by Michele for an advanced beginner I should be able to manage it. These are the fabrics I’ve chosen to complete my quilt…
A little bit scrappy and a little bit country….I’ve ordered some chocolate brown for the contrast and sashings…..I can’t wait!
I’m really looking forward to each of the weekly lessons…there are sooo many of us joining in, and it’s not too late if you want to too! Everyone can join the quilt-along and the lessons/tutorials will be available for free until October 31st. Michele will be creating a booklet with all of the lessons for sale at the end of the 16 weeks. I’m going to make sure I keep up…..I like the accountability factor! In fact , I NEED the accountability factor!
So why not join us too…..head on over the Michele’s blog and let her know, print off the info, add the button to your sidebar and choose your fabrics…..(you might even like to use it as an excuse to buy some new fabric????? hee hee) We’re going to have LOADS of fun……and have I told you???
Sugary hugs xox :o)
Sunday, 23 June 2013
some new designs
some new designs
As you know, I’m stepping out in the big wide world of designing and have a couple of items coming up in some craft magazines soon…
This week I’ve been dabbling with a couple of ideas and I finished one off this morning, between hanging sheets on the line and cooking a roast pork for dinner - nothing glamorous here!!!! hee hee…
This one’s a wall hanging called “The Best Place You can Be” and I will be working on writing the pattern and listing it for sale on Craftsy this week ……ooooh so exciting!!!!
Another I’ve drawn up and it’s ready to be stitched is this one…..
….just a sneaky at this stage…’ll have to wait to see what it becomes, but it won’t be long!!!!
Have a wonderful week filled with sugary hugs :O) xox
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Birthday-Love Stashing
Birthday-Love Stashing
How are you going with your Birthday-Love Stashing??? I was having a chat with my good bloggy friend Anthea who pointed out to me that we didn’t have too many people linked in for this month’s draw…….she thought maybe not too many people knew about it (which is reeeeally good for her and those already entered, because there’s not too many to win this month’s prize!!!!)
So I’ve put up the original post, explaining the Birthday-Love Stash, how it came about and what you need to do to enter, on a tab at the top of my blog. Pop up there and take a look if you’re unfamiliar. It’s good fun and you get your stash of birthday gifts ready for the year, on time or even early…..and you could even win a prize or two!!!
I’ve also added a link to take you to Mr Linky so that you can enter easily on my sidebar…..just find the Birthday-Love Stash button on the right, click on it and it will take you there!
I hope this clarifies things and makes it easier…..we have a few regulars but we would really love to see you join us, getting yourself organised, each month. (well, at least trying to get organised, like the rest of us!!!)
I must confess, I have been a bit slack and have not been posting some gifty links……my only excuse is my dreaded forgetfulness!!!! ….I’m so sorry!!! Here are some goodies I found this month…’s not too late to start!!! *wink*
Melody often has links to gorgeous free patterns and this table topper is no exception. You can find the link to the pattern on Melody’s blog HERE
If you have a phone-crazy friend or relative (generally a teen, but I know I’ve been told to put my phone away on MORE than one occasion!!!! *eek*), this might just be the thing for you to make…. (Might even give them the hint!!!??? lol)…..
Head on over to Sarah to find out how.
And if you’re a crocheter… might want to check out the Piper’s gals for the pattern to make this sweet hat for a special girlfriend…
How cute is this little fella????
So? What’s stopping you making one for a friend???? Pop on over to Sarah for the free pattern.
There’s some to get you started anyway.
Looking forward to seeing you at the Birthday-Love Stash draw! Don’t forget to link in!!!!
Sugary hugs xox :O)
Monday, 17 June 2013
That’s what friends are for…..
That’s what friends are for…..
Can you believe it? Nine finishes on Friday night!!??
Ok, they weren’t the trendiest or the most attractive finishes (and neither was the model….selfies are AWFUL aren’t they???), but they did draw the most attention on Saturday night…….
nine mop hats ready for our Relay for Life team…..and they were grabbed and worn by everyone!!!! Here they are at about midnight, having the elastic threaded through the casings….
they look like giant pizza bases, don’t they??? Armed with the 9 hats and my huge pot of pea and ham soup, I toddled off to the Relay.
Why the hats?? Our team was called “Polly Put the Kettle On”…..figure out the theme for the relay this year yet???? Hmmmmm????…..our tent was appropriately decorated and we were the ‘official’ cappucino and hot chocolate tent, with all funds raised from sales going to the Cancer Fund
I lost count of how many cuppa’s I made but we were going practically all night so I imagine it was well over a couple of hundred.
Well I couldn’t really walk with MY knee, so I was designated……barista?!
Temperatures were cold on the damp grassy football field and by 5am it was 9 degrees….I really wish I had brought more warm clothes and quilts……but I did manage half an hour’s sleep and a couple of 10 minute shut-eyes. Despite that, Sunday was a complete wipe out!!!! Hubby says I snored the roof off!!!!
I don’t snore!!!!!!! LOL
Today was a perfect get together day for our Monday stitchery group…we started off at the Palmetum tea garden and blew the diet out the window!!!……
(My barista skills didn’t extend to New Zealand ferns!!!!..think I needed more lessons! )
before heading to one of the ladies’ houses for stitching…..I did some power stitching to work off some of those calories!!!! Nothing like the support of friends to motivate you!!!
I’m nearly finished Jenny’s “In an English Garden” stitchery….it’s so sweet, I’m loving it!
Hope you’re getting some time for stitching too!
sugary hugs xox :O)