Rae (nrhaller@aol.com) November 23, 2013 at 9:23 PM

Yikes……the day is nearly over……and I haven’t consulted with Mr RNG yet…..that’s what happens when you’re in the midst of writing a pattern for a new design…..aargh!!!! Sneaky peak ahead…….
Never mind…….you’ll be able to see all of the design in an upcoming edition of Patchwork & Stitching magazine AND for those of you who can’t easily access P & S, I will be posting the design on Craftsy soon enough! *Yippeeeee*
I’ve also been busy making some birthday gifties for Barb in our Monday sewing group…..
a sweet little family of gathered storage baskets……
that nestle together like a little family!!!!!! taaaaawwwww!!!!
Barb thought they were just lovely…..and found a use for them straight away……
….and even Jen thought they were a bit “Ooh-la-la-parlez-vouz-francais???” !!
Designed by the lovely mother and daughter duo, Lisa and Sarah, from A Spoonful Of Sugar, you can find the free pattern for them HERE
Well……here’s what you’ve been waiting for…..the winners of the Blog Hoppers Party…….
But before I do………I must say a very special thanks to Michele of Quilting Gallery for hosting the blog hop. If you haven’t been to her site before, it’s well worth a look…I highly recommend it!
And also, many apologies…..I was overwhelmed with over 100 responses and comments on my blog post……and all the comments were so lovely……it felt like I was engulfed in warm sugary hugs……thank you!!!! ….. .and I haven’t been able to answer them all….please know I have read them and will get around to answering them all…….
ok……here goes……
1st Prize……#26 kim leavens said...
Hi Wendy, love your blog and your beautiful work!!
November 23, 2013 at 12:51 AM
2nd - 5th Prizes…..
#23 Tammy said...
Hi Wendy. I love your blog. And read all your posts...Enjoy it all. Thank you for a chance to enter your giveaway.
#65 Yarncrafter said...
Hi, have really enjoyed reading your blog. I especially liked the sew finished projects. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win some wonderful prizes. I wish good luck for everyone who leaves a comment to win these prizes. Thanks again for the opportunity.
Rae (nrhaller@aol.com)
#44 JoyceLM said...
I'm already a follower with Bloglovin'. Thanks again.
November 23, 2013 at 6:08 AM
#81 Joan H. said...
I am an email follower.
November 24, 2013 at 3:25 PM
Congratulations ladies …… Kim, if you can email me your postal addy, I’ll get your babushka gifts in the post. and if the other winners would like to contact me with their preferred pattern from my Craftsy store, I’ll email it to you ‘tout suite’!!!
Thanks for your visit and your lovely comments…..I hope you keep coming back to see what else is in store!!!!
Sugary Hugs xox :o)
Woohoo….the party has begun!!!!
Thanks to Michele for hosting the fun…..and isn’t it going to be wonderful????….a week long party running from now until November 26th where you can visit the 160+ Blog Hop Party participants, some you may not know (which is always fun….and where you might find a new fave!!) AND get to enter their giveaways!!!!
If you’re new to my blog…A HUGE WELCOME!!!
My name’s Wendy and I’ve been crafting, particularly stitching and quilting for as long as I can remember. I’m a newly retired teacher, now pattern designer and stitcher living in the tropical north of Australia.
You can see, and even purchase, some of my designs in my Craftsy store, but check back often as there will be new ones going in there all the time! There’s also some freebies if you click on the tabs at the top of my blog. If you’re able to get your hands on some Aussie Craft Magazines, you’ll find some of my projects in some recent Australian Patchwork and Stitching and also coming soon in Creating Country Threads.
I run the Birthday-Love Stash every month for those of you who are like me and need some help to be a bit more organised for birthdays throughout the year. (come on, admit it, there must be more like me!!!!) You can find more about that on the Birthday-Love Stash tab and link up each month by clicking on the Birthday-Love Stash button on my sidebar.
I also host the Friday Night Sew In (FNSI) (on behalf of Heidi and Bobbi) on the third Friday night of each month. It’s always such fun to link up with other crafty minds on a Friday night, enjoy some crafty business with some yummy sustenance and perhaps a bubble or two, if even only virtually!!!! (and maybe win a prize!!!!!)
As well as that, I co-host the Sew It’s Finished blog with my gorgeous friend and fellow designer and blogger Dawn. Make sure you pop on over and have a look and if you want to join, just drop either one of us an email!
So take some time to explore my blog and tell me what you think! (keep it nice please???!!! LOL) Just for commenting you will be in with a chance to win one of 4 giveaways……
First prize…..
a stash of babushka inspired goodies (some of my faves)…….two half yards of fabric, ribbon and buttons
Second to Fourth prizes…..
your choice of patterns from my Craftsy store.
The draw will be on November 26, which is next Tuesday, so just remember to be in it, you just need to leave me a comment telling me what you think (nicely) of my blog. You can get a second chance if you are or become a new follower…..just leave another comment telling me so, and another if you follow by email, and another if you follow by Bloglovin or Feedly. So that’s 5 chances you could have in the draw!!!
AND……..you’ve got until November 26th to visit all the other participating bloggers and have a chance at winning over 160 prizes!!! Now how much fun is that??
So let’s go party!!!!
Sugary hugs xox :o)
Tomorrow the Giving Thanks Blog Hop, hosted by Michele over at Quilting Gallery will begin and I’m excited! I will be participating and so are many more bloggers all around the world, after all, there’s much to be thankful for, wherever you are!!!
The list of bloggers participating in the Blog Hop Party will be made available Thursday late afternoon on November 21st, 2013 (Eastern time). Come back tomorrow and click on the banner on the top of my sidebar then to start hopping and entering the give-aways from your fellow quilters.
I can’t give too much more away, suffice to say I am giving away a………………….shhhhhhh……oops, can’t tell till tomorrow~!!!!!
So make sure you come back then to find out some more!!!!
In the meantime, I’ve been working on finishing my stable bag that I began on the weekend and I’m glad to say, it’s done!
I had fun playing around with the decorative stitches on my machine to quilt the panels…..
practiced some piping, and even learnt how to cover cord for the handles….
There’s plenty of room in there with two big pockets, and the dowelling that’s hidden inside the white ‘loops’ really gives the bag some structure.
I’m loving the ‘pretty in pink’ handles and I’ve made them even stronger by adding a bit of grosgrain to the underside……
See what I mean by I’m lovin’ it!?!???
I was surprised at how quickly this came together…..and no, unfortunately I don’t have the pattern…..this was a workshop that was a ‘show and tell, show and do’ kinda one! Perhaps I should try to convince the lady who shared it with me to write a pattern!!!!!! After all, it was super easy and pretty fast to put together….. about a day in total. I’m sure I’m going to have to make a few in different colours, and even a small one as a mug bag for guild meetings!!!
Hope you’ve been getting some stitching done too….and remember to check in with me tomorrow for my giveaway in the blog hop party!
Sugary hugs xox :o)