My good friend and blogging mate Jenny asked me if I would be interested in co-hostess-ing an apron swap on our blogs after the great response to her Apron-Love earlier on this year.

After receiving my very own handmade Apron from her as a gift way back in 2011, (she shows you how to make it HERE), I knew just how wonderful it was having one made especially for me, so I can’t let the opportunity pass in sharing the fun with you, can I? So, here it is…..

Jenny’s got lots of tutorials for Aprons on her blog

here’s one, but you can pop on over HERE to find more. And there are some more ideas, patterns and free designs on my Pinterest Board…

or you can find even MORE on Jen’s Pinterest Board….

So……are you interested? Of course you are! Would you like to be a part of our 2015 Apron Swap? Of course you do!
Here’s the rules:
This will be a straight swap. That means you and the partner you are assigned will swap directly with each other, and you will keep in contact with each other via email throughout the course of the swap.
By staying in contact you will get to make a new friend, you’ll find out what style, colours and fabrics your partner likes and whether she prefers a full apron or a half apron.
Here is the complete 2015 Apron Swap PDF file which lists all the rules and requirements you must follow before you sign up to participate. Download it, read it through thoroughly and if you’re happy to play by our rules, just email your details (name, email address, postal address, blog name and address) to either Jenny or myself by February 26th.
This is a simple swap so all we want you to send to your partner is:
That’s it, nothing else…..’k?
Your swap parcel is to be sent on March 30th
I’ve designed a cute recipe card you can use if you like. It comes in two sizes – A4 and A5. You can download it free, HERE from my Craftsy store.

To sign up, you can email me HERE or pop on over and contact Jenny HERE…no need to send to both of us, just one will do and we’ll take it from there. And remember to take the 2015 Apron Swap button and post it on your sidebar… can link it to either one of our posts, the more the merrier, right?
This is going to be so much fun! I wonder if you’ll be my partner??? hmmmmm?????
xox Sugary hugs :o)