Six days old and it was off to the smash repairers! But he now has it back, as good as new and he's as happy as larry, although $600 out of pocket isn't much fun!
Hubby moved back home on Australia Day after finishing up his job. Long story but we spent two days moving stuff off the quarters on the property back to our house, and boy, did he accumulate some stuff after 13 months! The house was bedlam! I've spent a few days culling and sorting....the tuppaware cupboard is now thinned out and tidy, as is the pantry. Slowed up my decluttering by a week or so, but it's still getting there, and I feel like I'm accomplishing 'something' anyway. (and I'm getting used to having someone else in the house again, but I'm loving it.)
I've been preparing for our Let's Get Stitched retreat in Adelaide this March. One of the items we need to make as a swap gift is one of Fee's Stitching Keepers. The theme this year is Christmas, so I had some fun with FMQ and played a while....

Now to fill it with a few Christmas goodies and then it will be wrapped for some lucky person. I hope they like it!
During my evenings, watching Married at First Sight (I know....I'm a sucker for this romance-with-a-twist reality program!), I've been catching up on this cross stitch. It had been going gung-ho....... until I found I'd counted incorrectly (too many distractions maybe?) and although the stitches were ok, they didn't match up soooooooo, lots of backward un-cross stitch and starting again for FNWF this week.
Will you be joining Cheryll and the girls for FNWF this week too?What's been happening in your patch?
xox Sugary hugs :o)
Sounds like a busy time. Good you have Friday planned
You do have some watching to do don't you!Enjoy your friday night.
How annoying your son's new car was deliberately damage. Pleased it was fixed like new...
Nice for you to have hubby home...
Have a great day sewing and watching movies tomorrow.
What a disappointment for your son....rotten blighters! You certainly have been busy! Enjoy having hubby home again. Unsewing is a real stitching along with you tonight x
You are busy but I bet its great to have him home again - how lovely!
Love your Christmas stitching, you're doing great with the free motion quilting.
So much going on in your's been a long time my friend, need to catch up with each other. I miss our chats ;) xx
It hurts when a new car needs a repair. However, I am glad of one thing. The car did not open and there was no stealing. If that had happened, there would investigation and a lengthy follow up.
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