I did manage to finish two components of a project I'm working on though....both I purchased from the final Girls Day In the Country retreat in Nundle. I never did get to go there (which I'd always promised myself I would) but I saw some kits were available from the weekend and decided I'd buy one, and I was not disappointed.
It was a wool applique and stitchery project on a piece of vintage quilt, nestled atop a chinese food steamer...a unique sewing box designed by Bonnie Sullivan and it's truly just gorgeous. I've NEARLY finished it but not quite...just a tiny bit of embellishment to go.
BUT, I did have two finishes for OPAM from this project.....the two accompanying sewing kit necessities....a beautiful pumpkin pincushion, which is attached to the underside of the domed lid of the steamer.....
I've embellished mine with a gorgeous chiffony flower that my bestie Di gifted me.....and and cute printed needlebook with some wool felt, button and trim embellishments (also gifted) ....
I'm so happy with how these are turning out. So that's two for OPAM for April....on track for at least one project a month! Thanks Kris and Peg.....you're wonderful taskmasters!
xox Sugary hugs :o)
Love your GDITC project - mine is still a WIP - I especially love the dressed up pincushion!
Gorgeous finishes ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Love your projects. Wish I'd known they had some for sale as i would've got them. Hugs, xx
Your needle book is so cute and lovely.
And the GDITC project. Such a clever idea using asteamer. Very clever..
cute little finishes Wendy.
This is gorgeous!! Xx
How beautiful that sewing basket it! What wonderful things you've been working on in quiet moments. =)
What a stunning project Wendy. Lovely finishes but the whole thing is going to be gorgeous. xx
Love the sewing kit and accessories..wonderful finishes..
Lovely projects...love the pin cushion (and the lovely flower embellishment) and needle book x
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