Don't you love that time too? A bit of a selfish indulgence, but I prefer to think of it as creative sanity time....or just plain ol' sanity time!
Yesterday I'd planned to get so much done at home, including this post, but a quick trip to Townsville, where my boy has moved, to take him to the eye specialist took priority. He has a condition called Keratoconus which he's just recently been to Brisbane to have surgery for on his left eye (surgery on his right eye was 5 years ago). Unfortunately he hasn't been able to work since as he works with computers and his eyes can't focus, nor can he drive as he can't see the difference between traffic lights, so he can't even get to work. This can take up to 12 months to improve so we would love your prayers as we've now found, apart from hard contact lenses, (which cost upward of $1600 a pair and he needs two pairs!), time is the only thing that MAY bring some improvement....or a corneal transplant down the track.
So while I was there, I gave him a hand setting up house. He and his girlfriend moved about 4 weeks ago for his job, then he had surgery, now he can't work. While Tiana was working, we thought we'd surprise her by getting the pantry 'built' (well... putting a flatpack together is technically building isn't it?). As Nick can't read the instructions and finding the screw holes is a challenge, I took on the role of chief constructor! Pretty proud of our handiwork.....what do you think?
It also gave me a chance to play with my new fur Miss Rosie....
She is the sweetest little doxie-poo....a dachshund crossed with a poodle. She's 7 weeks old and 900 grams...teeny but boy, what a personality! She's just gorgeous and yes, I am biased!
I got home at 4 and we went over to see dad-in-law. He's had another turn and seems he's had a bladder infection. He's getting more and more confused though and wants to tear down the walls of the house and build new, better ones so he can move his furniture to his house. He's really not sure where he is. Last night he had to catch a plane but he wasn't sure where to or why, just very insistent....dementia really is very cruel. He's been off to the doctor today and they've upped his meds so hopefully that will help.
I did manage to get some sewing done last week.....working on Mr B's 'Diggers 'n Dozers' quilt.
It's starting to take shape but I'm going to need to make quite a few more blocks. Maybe this Friday night? What have you planned to do for our Friday night get-together? Join in and link up so we can support one another in getting things done. Link up is below and remember, one lucky person will win a prize just for joining in!
I'm off to empty out my bathroom.....we've got the builders coming tomorrow to tear it out and start again! That job I talked about's finally taking shape! I'll share photos later in the week!
In the meantime...don't forget to sign up!
xox sugary hugs :o)

I hope your son recovers well from his eye surgery Wendy... love that little pup... I can think of a cheeky name for a Dachy cross poodle!
Best wishes that your Dad stabilises soon, it's such a worry.
Best wishes to your son for a good recovery. You were very brave to tackle the flat pack....I always seem to have not enough screws, holes never line up etc.
Sending love and prayers for Nicks recovery Wendy. Great work on the cupboard! Looking forward to Friday night. xx
I'll be sewing along with 15 others for a Girls Night in.. Mystery quilt Cancer fundraising event.
Hope your son will have a speedy recovery! Miss Rosie is totally adorable! Looking forward to sewing friday :-)
Wow! Life truly can get complicated at times. Makes for appreciation for the calmer moments, doesn't it? I wish you the best on all fronts!
Unfortunately I won't be joining you this month as I will be off to visit my brother & family. They live about 800 miles away and they are very busy people. I'll be taking handwork along but really can't commit.
Have a lovely FNSI, everybody!
What a time you are having. I hope things get easier for your boy and he gets sorted out. Dementia is very cruel, one of my mum's elderly residents had a bladder infection and it made the dementia worse which was quite surprising. Sending prayers and hugs to all your family. xx
Am loving getting ready for Halloween, so all my designs are centered on that topic for the next couple of weeks. BOO!
Wow It never rains but it pours
Hope everything goes well for Nick and so sad for your Father in Law
Life can be cruel sometimes
Remember to take care of you won't you xx
Such a cute puppy - all the best to Nick - gosh 5 years since you were here???
Dementia is so cruel...hoping it gets better with new meds.
A new bathroom is something to look forward to...mmmm we need one too.
Friday night??? - not sure what But I do know When & where!!!
You really have had a full on time of it, Wendy-girl. Nick looks good and healthy despite the eye issue and yes, praying for him and Joe's dad. ((hugs))
The puppy, well, aaaaawwwwww. xx
Ya'll have your hands full! Sending out love n healing thoughts out into the Universe for Nick and your dad-in-law. Sending you and your hubby a hug, too. Friday night will be something out of the WIP box. Not sure what, tho.
Such a handsome young man your boy is - Wendy, my grandmother had one of the very first corneal transplants, and after being blind for 20 years she could see. So if it comes to that, it may be a big help to him. I will be keeping Nick in prayer hon. And your father-in-law as well - and YOU! You have a very full plate right now. I love your new quilt, so cheery. XOXO
Knitting needles at the ready 😊
Sending healing wishes to your son Nick and that Dad better too.
How cute is Miss Rosie...\
Sounds like busy times for you...a good night's stitching could be the best thing for you.
Best wishes to your son and father-in-law. That is a seriously cute puppy. I hope you have a peaceful evening sewing.
I'm going to a quilt show tonight so won't be doing any sewing, but I'll take some photos there and hopefully get some quilting done on the weekend! Good luck to your son!
puuuh,... nearly forgot to link up. ;)
Greetings from the sewing machine
Your son is a real cutie. Prayers for continued healing.
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