I've remembered and here it is, at last..... and THE very last for 2017.....
Today we had a meeting with doctors, physiotherapists, nursing staff and aged care people and we got the news that Dad would not be coming back home but would be in hospital until a bed in a nursing home becomes available. Mum is heartbroken that her partner of 60+ years will not be 'with' her any longer, but we all know that this is the best thing for him.
Some days are good, some ....well, not so....today was a reasonably good day.
Yesterday we got to take dad home for half a day to spend one last family Christmas together as one of my sisters-in-law had managed to fly up from Brisbane.

Dad had a wonderful day, even though we exhausted him.
We wished it didn't have to end, but it did. Dad was ready and was eager to get the taxi back to hospital to his 'home'. Dementia really is cruel to all the family.
So that's my life to end 2017. We're sad and unhappy without our family together but we know we're luckier than many. I know we are truly blessed.
Let's end with some fun.....spending quality time together with our stitching family on our Friday night get togethers. Sign up below, no sadness allowed! So pleased to be able to spend it with you all, just before Christmas....such a precious time of year.
Looking forward to this one, so very much.
xox sugary hugs ;o)