I know we say it over and over but CAN YOU BELIEVE IT'S NOVEMBER ALREADY???????
I thought for this month's FNSI it might be helpful to add a few links to tutorials for some Friday night gift making. If you're anything like me, Christmas is still an eternity away (in my mind), but in reality it's only 6 weeks! So maybe some planning is in order and hopefully, these few gift ideas might help?
car trash bag tutorial this cute kitty one HERE
That's just a few ideas after scouring the net this morning. You might find something here to add to your Christmas list.
In the meantime, don't forget to sign up below to our Friday night get together. (Can't forget that!)
We've had catastrophic fires throughout three states this past week and many houses and some lives have been lost. Firefighters and volunteers of all sorts are working around the clock to help save lives, properties and sanity, often losing their own homes whilst protecting others. Please send prayers/positive thoughts to all concerned...they need to know we're thinking of them and we are more than grateful for all they do. You guys are the real superheroes!
Big sugary sweet hugs :o)

I heard about the fires just this evening. So scary, take care. Looking forward to stitching with my cyber sisters Friday night!
I am on a mission to get my table topper finished.
Thanks for the links Wendy - looking forward to Friday. So awful about the fires. xx
The fires are horrific and hoping all our blogging friends are not in harm's way....Stay safe xx
Looking forward to joining everyone 😊
My thoughts and hugs to all in the fire zones...
Thanks for hosting our FNSI again ...
Last minute sign up but Xmas things to do
I have been praying for all the firefighters and everyone affected by these horrific fires. We've had them in the u.s. too and they've been broadcasting about yours too. I can't even imagine how horrible it must be. Prayers will continue!
Thank you for the darling gift ideas! I may have to sew a few of those! Only 6 weeks? I'm in trouble!
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