How was your Easter break? Did you manage to squeeze in some Easter traditions,....some yummy hot cross buns and of course, chocolate over our stitching weekend? Did you manage to get away for a well deserved break or like me, did you just relax at home soaking up the peace and reflecting on the reason for Easter?
I love being able to just stop and breathe, without having 'hundreds' of jobs to be done before I start the rat race all over again. But that would be the same as all of you, wouldn't it? I do love to be busy; working gives me purpose and makes me feel satisfied but there's nothing like stopping every now and then for some well deserved calmness just to reset the mind and body.
And that's what our stitching weekend did for me....I hope it had the same effect for you?
Before I show you what I got up to, I have to draw winners for February and March.

Our wonderful and generous sponsor, Dawn of
Kitty Rose Cottage has been waiting patiently for me to get my act into gear so she can post these beautiful prizes out, soooooooo, no mucking about've waited long enough for goes:
Ta da Ta daaaaaah....
From the 32 stitchers who joined with us in February, either in our Facebook Group page or in blogs, Our February Winner was drawn and she is..........
DIANNE MARCHESINI......congratulations lovely!
I'm sure you'll love the special treat Dawn has in store for you.
Now for our March winner............drumroll please............26 joined with us in March but we could only draw one..........
congratulations to PINK ROSE!
Another fabulous winner who will get to enjoy a lovely prize from our awesome sponsor!
I was keen to put my
Birdhouse 'Heartstrings' quilt together but only got as far as handpiecing and stitching the centre panel, but I'm quite happy with that.
I love all things designed by Natalie Bird....she's an amazing Aussie designer and this one really caught my eye. I've been using my Tilda "Windy Days" fabric range for the EPP and even though I hadn't been organised enough before I started to think of what threads I should use to match the range, it still works beautifully.
I used my
Sewline fabric marker to draw the grid lines for placement of my dresdens. I've never had much luck with the blue water markers...they always seem to 're-appear' for me, but the Sewline markers are made especially for fabric and work a treat, especially when you use the
Sewline eraser pen which just makes the lines disappear before your very eyes!
I did get the inner border stitcheries cut to size and their sashings but haven't yet stitched them together, my 'helper', Mocha was interested to see what I was up to so I never got as much done as I'd planned, sooo...that's a job for the next long weekend which is coming up in .....two days!! Aren't we lucky here in Australia with all these holidays one weekend after the other? Although I won't be taking it for granted as it's a very important public holiday, celebrating our Anzacs who fought for our freedom.
Now it's time for our special EWSI draw....I did promise there would be two lucky who will receive a fantastic prize from Dawn and another who will receive a special gift from 'moi', just to say thank you for putting up with my lacksy-daisy organisation of our get-togethers....I do get there but life often gets in the way!
I don't know what Dawn has up her sleeve for a first prize but my supplementary prize for someone special is this....
one of Natalie Bird's Birdhouse patterns, the 'Blooming Lovely' pincushion and some scrappy Tilda fabric to make it! 'squeeee'.....The picture is just indicative of what you might get in the way of fabrics but I'll put some together so that you can make the gorgeous pincushion ...and I might even find some threads to throw in too so you can stitch the design without having to wait! Isn't that exciting???
Let's just see who our two lucky winners are....the coveted First prize from Kitty Rose Cottage goes to......
HELEN McCULLOCH........wheeeee!
Congratulations Miss Helen!
And the supplementary prize provided by me goes to .....
ANORINA MORRIS.......woohoooo!!!
Congratulations to you too Miss A!
And a special thank you to all of you for joining don't know how much pleasure it gives me being able to stitch along with you all. Being in a remote-ish, rural area in far North Queensland away from many of my stitching pals, there isn't much opportunity to join in with others so I'm grateful to you all, every single month.....THANK YOU! mwah! (If only I could give everyone a prize!!!)
have a wonderful week, or what's left of it and from me to you,
Big Sugary Hugs always xox :o)
Hi Wendy thankyou and Dawn , that was a surprise to see my name , congratulations to the other beautiful winners as well .
Love your work Wendy its very inspiring 💕💕
Congratulations to all the winners!! Your Heartstrings is looking great, Wendy. That was a great choice of fabric.
Woohoooo I'm a winner... how exciting, thank you very much Wendy and Dawn for the terrific prizes, it is great to stitch with other like minded girls....
I also love the Heart Strings quilt, mine is hanging proudly behind my bed, a very enjoyable quilt to make....
Thanks once again .....
Congratulations to all your winners. Lovely work on your Dresdens, beautiful. xx
A round of applause to the winners! Wendy, that prize pkg that you put together looks wonderful as does your Heart Strings. I'm going to have to look into that Natalie Bird. Her patterns look like so much fun to make!
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