
Thursday 20 June 2024

June already? A May FNSI winner, some finishes and sign-ups for June FNSI

 Wow, chilly weather even here in the north of Queensland, also known as the Tropics, but boy, those 8 degree mornings are proving to be very crisp and "non-tropical"!   Despite that, our days are beautiful, with mid 20 degree temperatures and clear blue skies.....a favourite time of the year.  My job requires me to drive daily to Townsville, an hour trip each way and driving in this weather is just glorious!  

The sunsets and evening skies have been magnificent and as our sugar crushing season has just started, the beautiful smell of  caramelised sugar permeates the air. We really do live in the lucky country. 

I have managed to finish a couple of long term projects which brings joy to my heart (in more ways than'll see what I mean shortly!)  The only problem is, when I go looking for things, I find so many more that I'd forgotten list of UFOs and WIPs just keeps getting longer and longer!  You see, I'm a classic Gemini...... I'll focus on something and then something shiny and new will catch my eye and I'm off!   I have FOMO and I've struggled all my life to overcome it.  As I get older, I'm finding I need to reign myself in and focus, focus, FOCUS and I am getting better but boy.....I'm discovering so many projects that either need completing or starting.  A few of you know my list is well over the  *hmfffph* mark (muffled because I don't want to give anyone a medical episode!) and maybe that's why I haven't made a list....but I really do need to!  Can you relate?

Back to those finishes..... Sheryl and I went shopping a couple of years back when she first moved to North Queensland and we went to a quilt shop where we both bought a pattern - Jardin de Poche by Veroniques Quilt Designs.  I bought the kit to go with it and when I travelled to visit family, took it with me as it was a good hand applique and stitchery project.    Well, two years on, I've managed to finish the stitcheries, put it together, learnt to 'tie' quilt using hidden cross stitches (thank goodness for YouTube!) and bound favourite part, and now it sits proudly on our dining room table!  I love this one!

Another finish I treasure is one designed by my beautiful friend Joy Coey, who we tragically lost to cancer a few years ago.  I had started this pattern at a "Let's get Stitched" retreat quite a few years ago and Joy had taught me how to fussy cut. I was so very happy with that effort and proud of what I'd learnt as Joy was a fantastic teacher but when I got home from the retreat I'd left it at that, hidden in a box as I was too 'scared' to ruin it (have you done that?)  After I finished my Jardin de Poche, I was working on something else in my sewing room.  This box kept popping up like it was prodding me to finish it.  So I bit the bullet and once I started I just couldn't wait to finish.  It had techniques, elements and products I hadn't used before which made me a little apprehensive but Joy helped me through!   I found afterwards that I'd missed a couple of paper pieced elements in the design, but that's ok, it made it 'mine'!  I had my first attempt at bullion roses (again - thanks YouTube!) and despite thinking I'd never 'get it', I trudged on, knowing that things get better with practice.   They're definitely not perfect but I'm happy with my first attempts.  

It will be used constantly and loved and treasured because it has so many memories of our gawjus Joy stitched into it.  I know she was prodding me and guiding me all the way through the process and I'm so thankful for knowing and loving her!

Now, on to our FNSI draw for May....we were blessed with sharing the night with 35 fellow stitchers/quilters/crafters and I know I got my fill of inspiration, but there's always room for more!  If you'd like to welcome anyone to join with us, please feel free...the more the merrier...and don't forget to let them know that just by joining in and sharing their crafty progress , they go into the draw to win a $30 voucher to spend on ANYTHING their heart desires at Kitty Rose Cottage, courtesy of our wonderful sponsor Dawn Hay.  If they'd like to know more, direct them to the link at the top of the page where they can find out all about FNSI aka Friday Night Sew In.

Thirty-five names in the Wheel of Names and the person that was randomly drawn for the May prize is.............

                                    \o/ \o/ CONGRATULATIONS NATALIE!!!!! \o/ \o/

We can't wait to see what you choose from all that loveliness over at Kitty Rose Cottage for your prize.

Don't forget to sign up for this month's FNSI.  I've left it a little late as I've had problems with my computer......what should have taken an hour has taken all day!  Doesn't matter though, just sign up below OR over on the sign up post in our Facebook Group.  

I can't wait to stitch with you all tomorrow night!  I'm soooo looking forward to it!

Big sugary sweet hugs :o) xox